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Editor'S Choice - 2025

TheQ's most beautiful camera for internet addicts

WONDERZINE talks about beautiful, functional or strange things that you want to buy immediately.

Not a single iPhone: there was an inexpensive camera (only $ 200), which is convenient and useful to carry around. theQ is the first social camera to automatically upload photos to the Internet. A special service, theQ LAB, is attached to the camera, where you can store an unlimited amount of photos and even edit them. If there is no Internet in the location, as often happens during travel, theQ stores images on the camera until the first connection to the Network. The creators of the gadget, perhaps, admit that they appreciate the vintage vibe of analog cameras, so that all theQ shots are obtained in low-fi quality by default. The pleasant things are the waterproofness of the camera and even "idiopermet" (according to the creators). Because of the insane agiotage, theQ can now be bought only by pre-order, and the camera page on Facebook is filled with interrogative comments, “Well, when will you send it to me already?”. Answer - as soon as, so immediately.

PRICE: $ 199

theQ shop

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