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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Rita Popova on Look At Me and the appointment of Chief Editor at 21

IN RUBRIC "BUSINESS" we introduce readers to women of different professions and hobbies that we like or are simply interested in. In this issue we talked with Rita Popova, the new chief editor of Look At Me, who replaced Daniel Trabun in this post.

The New Yorker was a caricature which depicts a few confused people at the table and the most important one says: "Well, then, we will have to reconsider our strategy about the fact that the Internet does not exist." People who sit at the oak tables and make decisions have finally understood that the Internet has not gone away in these twenty years - but they do not understand what to do with it and how to live now. Old control methods are no longer working. The problem is also in the communication between the state and people who actually understand how the Internet works. This is a very complex and complex problem, but this does not mean that therefore it does not need to be solved. And it seems to me that we all still pay too little attention to this.

Only journalists can draw attention to these problems. Therefore, I entered the journalism department of Moscow State University and immediately began to look for work - in practice it is always easier to learn. At the same time, I became interested in a rather narrow segment of the media - the industry of independent magazines, and then it turned out that Look At Media has a vacancy for the editor. Two years ago, as now, no one knew me, but Vasya Esmanov and Alisa Taezhnaya decided to believe in what I would do. Since then, my life has been equal to my work, which, in general, is quite good. I mostly meet cool people and learn a lot in a short time. Since last June, we, together with Daney (Daniel Trabun, former editor-in-chief of Look At Me, and now editor-in-chief of Poster. - Ed.) Have been doing a new Look At Me.

Yesterday I was not only the chief editor, but also a meme. My colleagues, mostly older ones, from Russian publications began to recall what they did at the age of 21, our readers joined them. I am now at 21, and at 20, and at 19 I was mostly sitting at a computer and working. My biggest achievement as a meme today was the decision of one commentator on TJournal. He wrote something like: "I am 17 years old, and it inspired me a lot. Now I will go, I will enter the journalism department and I will also become the chief editor at 21." Come to us, man. Just when I will be in retirement at 25, you will replace me.

Surprisingly, when you will soon (very soon) will be 22, you consider yourself quite adult. At work, I communicate with people who are 25, 26 or 28 years old, and they are exactly the same as me. However, one won’t be surprised for a long time - the editor-in-chief, even if he is 21, needs to do one million important and urgent things. So I took them, so as not to ruin everything on the second day.

Look at me is often blamed for being too geeky. But it seems to me that all people are geeks, it’s just that not all have accepted it

Parametric Architecture It seems to me no less fascinating thing than the latest release of "Hawkeye". I try to read and learn more quickly than others, and this is partly why I have a somewhat superficial and naive view of things. This I still hope to overcome.

Change Look At Me, likely to be evolutionary. I’m sure that we have hidden reserves that we don’t use yet, because we do not have enough power or experience. And I would like the site to be clearer. The need for its existence would become obvious to everyone just as it was for me. Look at me is often blamed for being too geeky. But it seems to me that all people are geeks. Just not everyone has accepted it yet.

I was pretty nasty and a super inquisitive child who constantly tugged mom on the skirt and said “explain something to me, explain this to me”. But my parents always had the patience to answer questions. In Voronezh, where I grew up, the Internet was terribly bad, so I had to constantly read. When I was sick, my parents bought me the thickest book in the store, which caught my eye, because the rest was enough for about half a day. “Ulysses” by James Joyce was enough for a record two weeks.

Today, of course, games take about as much time in my life as books (sorry, moms). The favorite game at the moment is Mario Kart 7. More precisely, the specific route in Mario Kart 7. Rainbow Road is a huge rainbow road in space, from which the player periodically falls onto the planets and touches orbits. For some reason, almost no one loves her, except me. When everything is bad and there is no time for anything, I walk through Rainbow Road in two minutes - and life is getting better.

I was informed about the promotion in the Turkish cafe "Bardak". I waited and studied the ad, which was supposed to cheer on people who quit smoking. It was written there that if you don’t smoke, then happiness awaits you, winning the lottery and in general everything will be fine. I just recently quit.

Photographer: Yegor Slizyak

Watch the video: Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program (May 2024).

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