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Editor'S Choice - 2024

On whom to subscribe: Telegram on gender-neutral education

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

Telegram channel "So gay and become!" The journalist Ksenia, the mother of two sons, started. In it, she talks about gender-neutral education, shares life stories, examples of books and cartoons without stereotypes, and also talks about places where you can go with children. For example, Ksenia tells what duties at home her sons perform and what works they like.

“With gender-neutral education, I don’t consider girls and boys to be the same, but, on the contrary, I admit that they are all very different. And interpersonal differences are stronger than the sexes,” she writes. their places, but I offer the children all possible toy options so that, having fought with swords, they can put their baby to bed, kissing him for the night (as my eldest son does). "


Watch the video: Behind vs back Part 3 (April 2024).

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