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Editor'S Choice - 2024

5 applications for control freaks

Masha Vorslav

Editorial Wonderzine knows firsthand how difficult it is for people who want to keep under control all the processes occurring around and inside. We have selected five mobile applications that will tell you when to drink water and take another step - or, on the contrary, stop in time.

Most of the girls draws food diaries, and ShapeUp is perfect for this. In the first run, you need to enter some metrics: height, weight (initial and expected), activity level and the desired weekly weight loss. Based on these data, the application calculates the individual daily calorie intake, which you need to recruit; if it turns out to be less than acceptable, ShapeUp will notify you and will offer to set less rigid parameters. A huge base of food from "Russian cheese" to "starbucks latte venti" is sewn inside, the search is performed by name, brand or barcode, you can add your products. ShapeUp can count how many calories are burned for a half-hour slow or fast run, draws a graph of weight loss and remembers all measurements. The application has a freemium model, that is, vital functions (all of the above and even more) it performs for free.

A beautiful and functional tracker that counts not only the number of steps taken, but also how much you rode a bike or ran - the corresponding numbers pop up on the screen in three multicolored bubbles. The developers, of course, used the capabilities of GPS, so the application draws routes of movement and paints them every minute, and also remembers the best performance for the day and the week and the places where you are (Foursquare functions, however, does not duplicate). However, sometimes it messes up: he takes up the stairs for a bike, and a very fast walk for a run. One way or another, Moves encourages one more time to break away from the chair and therefore is a good alternative to external pedometers.

Unlike the real, this virtual refrigerator remembers the shelf life of food, medicine and cosmetics. Products for tracking can be selected from a vast internal base - only vegetables in it more than 40 species - or drive in yourself. In the latter case, you need to set the expiration date yourself and take a picture - so clearer and more beautiful. When the shelf life of the product comes to an end, the color of its sticker changes to red, and on the day of the X, the application will send a reminder. What is nice, the number of positions in Freshbox is not limited, so if you wish, you’ll be able to sort out and describe the entire refrigerator, first-aid kit and cosmetics bag.

In our opinion, the most convenient, visual and beautiful application for monitoring the water level in the body. As in the case of ShapeUp, the program will request data (gender, height, weight, age), process it and tell you how much water you need to drink every day, the final scheme is quite individualized and therefore inspires confidence. An important point: you need to bring all drinks into the base: tea, coffee and alcohol contribute to dehydration, and therefore they will have to be compensated not with one glass of water. The creators of the application took care of the motivational component: they developed a system of cute badges - they can be obtained, for example, for the regular diary or weight loss - and provided for the possibility of publishing achievements on Facebook. From myself, we add that the first time to drink the specified amount of water is not easy (but possible), and if you allow Waterbalance to send daily reminders, the process of habituation will go faster.

Watch the video: The Science Behind KontrolFreek Performance Thumbsticks (May 2024).

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