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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Save and save: 85 winter care products

Of the last strength we live the remaining days of this year. If you also went into energy conservation mode, the memos will not hurt: it's nice when you can listen to good advice with peace of mind and save your strength to solve especially difficult tasks (“n” - humility). Today we have collected in one material all the means and recommendations that will help to survive the winter with maximum comfort and even prepare for spring.

15 products for full winter care

Let's start with the basics. If you also did not have time to get ready for the fact that snow dust and drizzle hits the face right now, do not worry: here's a reminder of winter care. There are really necessary 15 things in it that will make you feel good in winter (and not feel like that).

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10 universal oils for the face

Oil - a universal care agent, and is perfect not only for dry skin. The oils are excellent, firstly, by an instant action, and secondly, by the variability of use - can be applied instead of or on top of the serum, added to the cream or used independently. Now almost every brand has released its version of face oil - we have selected 10 options that will make the coming season a little less awful.

10 moisturizing body and hair oils

Don't hide the oils - one of our favorite care products. This time we will tell about moisturizers - the weather deteriorates, the skin needs help, but a more universal and easy-to-use remedy than body oil has not yet been invented. It can not only be used instead of body cream, but also added to the bath, revitalized hair ends and even smeared on the face in an emergency.

10 nourishing creams that protect in the cold

Wind and cold - quite good reasons for buying a new foundation. For winter, you should choose moisturizers or nutrients - they will provide additional protection for the skin and at the same time, even out the tone. By the way, it is better to choose a shade lighter than your current tone: by all mid-winter all the tan remains will disappear and the usual tone will be dark.

7 best lip balms for the winter

In winter, lip balm, firstly, should be at hand in any situation (it is most convenient to stuff tubes in all pockets and bags). Secondly, choosing a good balm is not so easy, and only experience will help, so we asked beauty bloggers what nourishing lip balms they consider the best.

10 scented bath foams and salts

Jelly, salt and bubble baths smell pleasantly, moisturize the skin, tint the water - in general, they set the mood with which the hour-long plop in the water takes on at least some meaning. We chose a dozen of tools with which it is a bit more comfortable to experience the cold.

8 proven means to recover after the winter

One of the most problematic periods for the skin and the whole body is the pseudo foul season. After winter, hair and skin dry, strength, despite the weather, for some reason is not enough for anything - and despite the fact that you always want to look good. To survive this time with maximum comfort, we collected eight useful and affordable tools for everyone.

10 saving serums

We are struggling with seasonal discomfort with all our strength: we have already figured out how to get rid of seasonal blues, we have shown the brightest cosmetics, and now we are talking about ten facial serums that will definitely come in handy in the cold. Recall that the serums do not replace, but complement the care, so you do not need to give up the moisturizing cream, and it is better to even buy nutritious.

5 hand creams

At home and in offices, heating is scuffing, and that means that everything that can dry out does so with catastrophic speed. We chose five hand creams, in which we see the only skin rescue from dry air and frost, and tested their moisturizing properties and absorption rate.

Photo: Biotherm, Weleda, Smashbox, Clinique

Watch the video: Drugstore Skincare Routine. Affordable Options for Oily, Dry & Combination Skin. Cleansers & More (April 2024).

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