Hashtag of the Day: Campaign of Liz Hurley and Estée Lauder against breast cancer
Every day on the Internet: someone releases clips, someone launches hashtags, and someone says smart (or not so) things - and we focus on the most important or just curious.
We remember that October is the month of the fight against breast cancer; brands, companies and activists at this time are engaged in the dissemination of information and the collection of money for research, in many countries you can get a survey and get a free consultation. For Estée Lauder, various activities in this area are a long tradition, and this year it was not without attempts to create a powerful campaign that will bring the desired results.
Today, the international campaign ambassador Liz Hurley launched a simple flash mob on instagram: for each photo signed with the hashtags #timetoendbreastcancer and #ELCdonates, $ 25 will be transferred to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. In instagrame, brands are actively used by the generosity - you can find almost 7,000 posts by hashtags at the moment.