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Charming intestines: Why everyone started talking about bacteria

We have long known that bacteria live inside and outside our body, but right now everyone paid close attention to them. American nutritionist, NutritionFacts.org founder and best-selling author of "How not to die: discover nutrition that prevents and cures diseases" Michael Gregor pays great attention to how bacteria are affected by the food we eat; this year, the Eksmo Publishers published a book by the German student Julia Enders, “Charming intestines. As the most powerful organ that controls us,” the author is now writing a doctorate on intestinal microorganisms; Dior-level cosmetic brands began to produce cosmetics that act to maintain the proper microflora of the skin, and DuPont uses bacteria when inventing new materials. We understand what caused the hype around bacteria and what we should know about their impact on our lives.

Why are bacteria interested right now?

In 2003, the international project "Human Genome" was completed - scientists around the world deciphered human DNA. This is the largest example of cooperation of scientists from different countries in the history of biology, and it marked the beginning of many new opportunities. "In each of these global projects, such as launching a man into space, creating nuclear weapons or decoding DNA, there are a lot of third-party technologies that then go into power engineering, telecommunications and medicine," says Dmitry Alekseev, director of the Atlas ". - And now, many new technologies for DNA research have come to medicine. It turned out that the methods for deciphering the genome are universal and suitable even for microbes - and we have many of them, for example, in the intestines that live far from only bifid bacteria and E. coli. "

Of course, the decoding of the genome of bacteria is used not only in medicine. Serious investments are directed to this area, and therefore its popularity is growing. “Each unexplored bacterium harbors a lot of money for a businessman. Now, all sorts of developments and money are directed precisely to study these bacteria,” Alekseev explains. “For example, projects are already underway to create nonwoven clothes using bacteria. Of course, there are still germs do not weave fabric on a mannequin, as we would like, but already create materials for such clothing. "

Where do bacteria come from?

The intrauterine finding under the protection of the placenta creates sterile conditions for us, but when we are born, passing through the birth canal, we become familiar with the first microbes. Scientists believe that the best bacteria for the formation of protective mechanisms in a child are the bacteria of his mother, therefore, for example, doctors from all over the world do not recommend washing the breast specifically before feeding (of course, normal hygiene should be maintained). There are even ideas that after cesarean section it is useful to apply the mother’s vaginal microbes to the baby’s skin - it’s true, there’s no definite opinion on that.

"In addition, the habit at the young age to drag everything into the mouth exists not only among humans, but also among most mammals - this is how we collect bacteria from the environment and train our immunity," Alekseev said. the baby’s mouth also penetrates, including through the skin of the nipples, and by the next feeding, the mother provides the baby with the correct immune response in the milk and teaches him how to respond to different bacteria. "

What are the bacteria inside us doing?

The intestines are a paradise for bacteria: it's wet and dark and there is food all the time. The main goal of bacteria is to occupy a tasty place and not to let anyone else. “A lot of microbes get into us through the mouth. Of course, they digest a little in the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, but still reach the intestines,” Alekseev said. “If certain bacteria did not live in the intestines, then any“ enemy ”could settle there. , that is, beneficial bacteria protect us from harmful ones. The second thing they do is digest those remnants of food that we didn’t have time or could not digest ourselves. "

Not only enzymes are involved in the breakdown of food in the intestines - bacteria also work on this. In the process, they release various beneficial substances (for example, vitamins), which are then absorbed. At the same time, we cannot say that we do not need harmful bacteria at all - they keep local immunity and beneficial bacteria in a tone so that they are constantly ready to fight for the territory in case of invasion of parasitic microbes from the outside. “Good bacteria are such hard workers who do everything very slowly, but professionally. And bad people do everything only for themselves, not caring about the environment in which they live, and, accordingly, about our health,” says Dmitry.

Interestingly, the beneficial bacteria feed mainly on plant food, and when we refuse vegetables and fruits, we deprive not only the nutrients of ourselves, but also of our bacteria. As a result, if there are no plant fibers in the lower intestine, the whole environment is disturbed - an inflammatory process occurs. Even if it is light and does not manifest itself, in the defense mechanisms of our body there is a bias - instead of more important matters, the immune system is distracted by sluggish inflammation in the intestine, and we can often catch a cold or other infections.

How Bacteria Affect Mental Health

Surprisingly, normal intestinal microflora also affects the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine - the main neurotransmitters of joy and pleasure. This means that the state of joy depends, among other things, on the health of the intestines, and it, in turn, depends on our nutrition. Treatment of depression should include not only medication and psychotherapy, but also the normalization of eating habits. "Recently, a link between bacteria and anorexia was discovered. It turns out that one of the hormones that regulate the sense of satiety is very similar to the protein produced by intestinal bacteria. And, apparently, an incorrect interpretation of the behavior of this bacterium by the immune system can lead to a violation of the hormonal regulation of satiety , - says Alekseev. - In the case of depression, we also understand that the “depot” of neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of joy and pleasure are located more in the intestinal area than in the brain, and we can try approve nutrition to improve mood. "

“Friendly meetings or dating for food is not just a cultural tradition. Because of the food, our bacteria begin to increase the production of hormones of joy and pleasure, and people find themselves in a good way to be high,” says Dmitry. For all the dangers of fast food, scientists do not insist on going for a full HLS: Alcohol, for example, does not have a negative effect on good bacteria. In healthy people, it is absorbed before it reaches the intestine, and at the same time provides disinfection from pathogenic microorganisms. "If you are traveling, say, to India, to take with alcohol and drink it in reasonable quantities entire trip "- suggests Dmitry.

Antibiotics and Weight

Everyone has heard that antibiotics harm the intestinal microflora - but if they are taken as indicated, nothing terrible will happen. A small malfunction of the microflora can manifest itself in the form of diarrhea, but usually everything is normalized by itself within a couple of weeks. It is much more dangerous not to drink the prescribed course of the antibiotic or interrupt the therapy - resistance may develop, and the next time with such an infection the drug will no longer work. But chronic intake of antibiotics in low doses, for example, if they are contained in meat, can seriously harm.

“If microbiological doses of antibiotics are added to animal feed in factories, they quickly gain weight and give more meat. This antibiotic remains in meat, gets to a person, and a person gains weight just as well,” says Alexander Tyaht, head of the Atlas microbiota department. Of course, this will not happen immediately, but after many years of regular food with cheap meat products. " The bacterial composition of the intestine is influenced not only by antibiotics, but also by highly salty foods - such food is inedible for bacteria. This clearly shows the famous project Happy Meal, in which a group of enthusiasts watched a cheeseburger and French fries from McDonald's for a year. After 365 days, nothing happened with the food from fast food - it only slightly decreased in size, but the bacteria did not eat it either inside or outside. McDonald's commented on this fact very simply, saying that they add a lot of salt to their food.

Allergy and excessive hygiene

There is the so-called hygienic hypothesis of allergy and autoimmune diseases - it is that as the level of sanitation increases, people become more susceptible to allergic diseases. This phenomenon is noticeable in developed countries, where in the past few decades children grow up in an almost sterile environment - as a result, any contact is perceived by the body as a hostile attack, and immunity is excessively activated. Autoimmune diseases develop - allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis. Even for multiple sclerosis, there is a correlation with life in the developed countries of the northern hemisphere.

The centenary cult of Moidodyr taught more than one generation how to wash hands - but in all we need a measure. Not only is it better not to use antibacterial soap - progressive dermatologists are now advising to colonize the surface of the skin with beneficial bacteria. The American company AOBiome produces Mother Dirt products for the body with germs that live on the skin, squeeze out harmful bacteria and replace deodorant - sweat stops smelling. Of course, you can do without such tools, but you should understand that even hygiene is too much.

Photo:janeness - stock.adobe.com, science photo - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: The surprisingly charming science of your gut. Giulia Enders (December 2024).

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