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Editor'S Choice - 2024

We are not children for you: Schoolchildren and students about their first protest

On March 26, protest actions took place in Russian cities, inspired by the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation about Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's secret real estate. In most cases, the actions were not formally agreed with the authorities, and the police massively detained people from St. Petersburg to Makhachkala. In Moscow, the number of detainees did exceed a thousand people.

But the main event of these protest weekends was not even the harshness of the police, but the unexpectedly large proportion of teenagers rally - a fifth-grader’s speech at a rally in Tomsk was a hit with social networks. Adolescents were detained on a par with adults: in Nizhny Novgorod, five parents were drawn up protocols about the “failure to fulfill parenting responsibilities” because their children participated in the protest. And in Moscow, five more teenagers sat for four hours in a locked padded wagon at the Khamovniki police station.

About Navalny and corruption are now spoken not only on Facebook, but also in VKontakte groups - FBK investigations are spreading in the largest public posts with memes like MDK and Pikabu. Publicly, albeit in a playful way, they had previously covered protests and events in Ukraine, but only the current anti-corruption investigations massively brought the teenagers onto the street. We talked to politically active schoolchildren and students and found out how their first rally was held, how their parents treat the protests and why they believe Navalny.

My friends and I came to the rally around two o'clock in the afternoon - we walked, stood on Pushkin Square with posters, took pictures. Then, because gas was sprayed on Pushkin, I had to move closer to Okhotny Ryad along Tverskaya. And about the building of the Moscow State University Journalism Faculty, the police approached us, took our hands and led them to the Bobby. They did not have the right to do this without introducing themselves or showing documents.

We were put in a paddy wagon, asked to show documents. As a result, my passport was taken away and did not respond to all requests to give it back. I tried very hard not to quarrel and behave adequately. There we sat for an hour, during which time my phone was disconnected. It's good that I was able to catch the Wi-Fi from the tablet - I wrote to my friends and began to reread the article on Medusa, which explained how to behave during the arrest. At this time, one of the police officers tried to captivate us with conversation - he tried to find out the place of his studies and work. Then he began to ask about Putin, to praise Navalny. Then I asked why his comrades put him in a Bobby. Naturally, it was a provocation by the police.

As a result, we were taken to the ATS on "China Town" (with flashing lights, everything is as it should be). We spent another two hours and received a protocol in which article 20.2 p. 5 of the Code on Administrative Offenses of the RF “Violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing” was written. And they also wrote what we have done: we walked along Manezhnaya Square with a poster “We deserve this country”. While I was reading the protocol, the policeman asked how much I was paid for participating in the rally. And when I said that at all, looked like a fool. We signed, fingerprinted and received a subpoena. Now I have to pay 20 thousand to the state machine. I was also told by the police that if I get to them under the same article within 180 days, I’ll end up under criminal, not administrative, prosecution.

The next day I came to the institute, and I was verbally threatened with expulsion and began to frighten that now nobody would take me to work. And then another lawyer on the pair tried to explain that everyone around was stealing and you would not achieve anything with rallies.

For me, this was the first protest action that I attended deliberately. Before that, I was only forced to go to various pseudo-patriotic rallies at school. One day, a rather interesting situation happened because of this! In the seventh grade, we were taught the so-called project activities. And the main tasks in the quarter were the preparation and participation in the action "Immortal Regiment". By the way, I have no relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. But no one believed me, and I had to invent a great-grandfather who allegedly fought so as not to get a bad mark.

At the picket in Tolyatti there was nothing particularly interesting, but the authorities are quite funny about all these events. A lot of young people attended the rally. It is good that they are interested in the situation in the country.

I do not really care about the resolution of protest actions, I have a basic constitutional right to this. Although it would be better for the police to be present at mass events, it is unlikely that anything will happen. But here in the city everything was calm - only I fell into a puddle. Well, and yet, my parents are ardent patriots, if they knew about my presence at the rally, something terrible would have happened.

I support Navalny. Few in Russia have been able to make high-quality investigations on the subject of corruption. Although I do not think that they are so reliable. There are moments that are difficult to assess, for example, the real cost of housing officials.

For me it was the first meeting, but I am going to attend them further. If I am not mistaken, the Constitution still allowed Navalny to hold it, and this is, after all, the highest authority in our country. But even if we consider it unauthorized, then it’s still worth going to such events. I believe that our government has sunk too much into corruption. The people should at least be reminded of their existence and concern about where the taxpayers' money goes.

Young people were really very much, according to the feelings, 60-70%. I think this is due to the fact that Navalny conducts his propaganda on the Internet. I myself came with friends, and there was also a teacher from my school. Parents have nothing against such events, dad says that rallies are the only affordable and peaceful way to somehow shake our power.

In my opinion, the police should be present at such events, but clearly not in such quantities. It seemed that they had brought policemen from all over Moscow and the Moscow region, and this suggests that the authorities are still afraid of us. The police were too cruel to the rally participants. I saw comrades in the form of roughly pulling out from the crowd of two schoolchildren of about fourteen, two dozen students and even one grandfather of seventy.

I am rather positive about Navalny himself, I really like the FBK investigations, but I don’t place much hope on his figure.

Yesterday's rally was for me the first and, perhaps, will not be the last, because this form of expressing the mood of the people is incredibly strong and inspiring. When meeting me on the subway, my friends and I noticed how many people are going and how tense the atmosphere is because the action is not coordinated. People looked at the police, the police looked at the people - as if we were participating in a game, my friend said.

My friends and I didn’t really want to get into auto-bunkers, so we didn’t carry banners, ducks and sneakers. The only thing - they wanted to draw the Russian flag on their cheeks, but they later realized it and found paints. Subsequently, I learned that even people with Russian flags were being detained. So technically, we did not participate in the illegal rally, but simply walked around Tverskaya on a wonderful spring day.

The police at the events of such a mass is necessary, because there are people who are aggressive, really violating public order and causing chaos. But yesterday the police did not protect the rest, but expressed the imperious side of the state. I can understand and accept the detention of people with posters, since they came to an uncoordinated rally, but the detention of people with ducks is nonsense, which shows the weakness of power.

At the same time, I liked how creative people are in the protests. I saw a girl on a scooter with an attached sign, she was just a question mark and nothing more, I saw a man with a completely blank A4 sheet, to the question: "What do you mean by that?" - He replied: "What else to say something?"

I did not witness the brutality of the police, as I left an hour and a half after the start of the rally. But then I learned that we had time to leave Pushkin Square for about five to ten minutes before we let the gas in, heard how they tried to stop the paddy wagon with Navalny and a loud bang on the car. I don’t know if she hit a person or if someone from the crowd just hit her. My friends and I were fine, because we were extremely careful. Although it is a pity that because of this caution, we could not protest fully.

It seems to me that everyone should understand the importance of such events: if you did not go, then you said to the authorities "yes." You said yes to corruption, autocracy, lawlessness, a prison for reposts, for insulting the feelings of believers and other delusional things.

Despite many different theories, why Navalny does what he does, I believe this man and his investigations. By virtue of my work, I understand how his team works, what resources they use, so I think this is reliable information, and how they serve it, how they are trying to change the situation in the country, makes me respect. I would like to join the team and help by deed, and not just a word, especially now, when the pressure went directly to the foundation.

Yesterday there were a lot of young people at the rally, because we are a generation that saw only this power, saw only deterioration and pathos, we want a real change of power, to see how it will be. We did not grow up in the USSR, where we restricted freedom of speech, not in the mad 90s in the midst of lawlessness, we don’t want to obey, but we want answers and responsibility.

At the meeting there were a lot of people and a pleasant feeling that something could be changed. It did not scare me that the action was not coordinated, because it was obvious that there would be a lot of people and could not take everyone away. And even if taken away, it will be possible to understand. No sacrifice anywhere! So just in case, I took with me a photocopy of my passport (so as not to give the original document) and all the OVD-Info numbers. And just in case, she threw a call on social networks to dock with friends.

The tin itself was on Pushkin Square, but I did not find it. Mostly stood on the dais near the shopping center "Okhotny Ryad". Nearby was the booth of the First Channel and many cops. At one point, they began to shout next to them: "Shame." After that, people began to take a huge pile, very hard searched, dragged along the ground.

I used to think that my presence at rallies would not solve anything - they will figure it out themselves. But now I understand how important it is to act and not sit at home. I am already 18 years old, and I have lived all my life under Putin! As far as I know, the first four years of his presidency were growing GDP and the standard of living was rising. In general, he tried to do something good for the country. And then he suddenly pereklinilo. Well, if they were ashamed of their theft. But it is so obvious! I especially liked the meeting between Putin and Patriarch Kirill, where they unsuccessfully covered up the Rolexes on his hand - there was nothing on his body, but a golden clock gleamed in the reflection of the marble table.

In our country, terrible pensions. My grandfather was a military pilot in the past, and he has a pension of 20 thousand, and my grandmother has 6 thousand, so she had to be specially registered in Moscow to raise it to 15 thousand. And then she has to earn a job as a cleaner. I see from my personal experience how bad everything is. I also showed my mother an inquiry into FBK about Medvedev - she was shocked that this was possible at all. Even adults who have previously supported Putin now understand everything.

I used to want to leave Russia because I thought it was a bad country. But now I understand that she is incredibly cool and rich in both resources and culturally. And I was always wondering why everything is cool in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and cool regions like Tatarstan and the Altai Territory, where it is very beautiful and interesting, go unnoticed. Indeed, in the USA each state is unique and interesting, and we only have Peter and Moscow.

Personally, I do not blame Medvedev, but I believe that he must answer to the people. A person cannot be called a thief until this is proven by the court. My parents hold the same position. We are not trying to slander power, we are only concerned about her silence.

On Sunday, for the first time in my life, I participated in a protest rally. But it is difficult to call it a full-fledged rally - just an organized and peaceful walk of people who care about the fate of the country. Everything that happens on the action once again proved that the people in Yaroslavl are kind and decent. The police behaved with dignity, and I did not see a single detention - only polite warnings. There were a lot of young people, and this is due to the fact that Navalny is more active on the Internet than on TV.

I have a good attitude towards Navalny, and his investigations should help our country to change it for the better. Personally, I believe in his words, but I want the court to prove it. But, judging by the fact that no one can refute his investigations, they are true.

By and large, I did not care if the rally would agree. Obviously, we cannot see the freedom of speech, which means that it must be achieved. I have the right to peaceful protest, I have the right to express my opinion. And if a person is restricted in this right, then why be surprised that tires are burning and smoke flutes are flying? They asked for it themselves.

I have never participated in rallies until yesterday. Perhaps the reason is that two years ago I lived in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and there people are far from politics in general. Upon arrival in Moscow, I still preferred to remain inactive, although the blatant disrespect of the authorities for their own people was obvious to me. My young man is politically active, he believes that such forms of protest should work. Under his influence, I rethought my position and decided to participate in this march against corruption. The experience turned out to be successful, I felt myself a subject of political relations, and not a silent victim of circumstances. I was united with a lot of people, individuals, citizens and patriots of my country. For the sake of this feeling of freedom, uniting against a common enemy, I will go to defend my rights again.

We with my boyfriend and his two friends began a walk on the Belarusian. They walked calmly, looked around, took pictures. After walking about one fifth of the way, we heard a loud hum, shouts. It turned out that Navalny was taken and sfotkatsya with him in the forefront will not work. Our contempt was just words can not convey. Well what did he do? Are they so scared that they do not want to create at least the appearance of decency? I did not see any more detentions, although I heard that they took many on Pushkinskaya and on Passionate Boulevard.

I understand the police at the protests. The order should be monitored, but not exceed the authority. To be honest, when I was especially detained no one, only admonished to the loudspeaker. Like, you guys would not go to Sokolniki. Know your place. Well, in our ranks it was not even discussed. In Tverskaya, it’s impossible to walk in good company? Rave.

Not to say that I idealize Navalny. He is a politician and pursues his goals, it is silly not to understand. But his interests at this stage coincide with mine. Everyone knows that at the top is corrupted, snickering power, and he confirms this in an interesting format. We all need an alternative - a strong opposition. It is necessary to see that something depends on people.

There were many young people at the rally, but there could be more. I am studying for a journalist, and none of my group went. This apathy makes me very upset. We live in a country where we cannot afford not to be interested in politics.

The material feed that FBK uses is very suitable for teenagers. They focus on a particular person, clearly explain what corruption is and why it is bad. More and YouTube videos spread! Children generally have a very strong attitude towards the polar notion of good and bad, and the reaction to bad deeds causes them to have a very homogeneous reaction, as is the case with Medvedev. In addition, Navalny uses infographics, memes - all this helps teenagers to easily share information with friends, to find a common language with them.

Even if a teenager lives in a wealthy family, it is still very important and interesting to be part of a movement that pleases his peers. Now there are not so many ways of self-expression. Fashion? Hangouts? And politics is a new developing vector in which today's 10-11 graders will soon be able to actively express themselves, and most importantly, determine their identity and environment. Once 18 years old, they will be able to volunteer at FBK and represent it all over Russia. Moreover, now Navalny is the only force that offers such an option.

Navalny moved to a new level of work with social networks, in principle, like Donald Trump, who knocked out the presidency, because he memirified himself as a politician. Обама в своё время получил широкую поддержку среди демократов благодаря социальным сетям, а Трамп пошёл дальше и привлёк не только обычных республиканцев, но и молодую кровь, размещая контент на 4chan и Reddit. Его популизм очень близок молодёжи, потому что всё это напоминает поведение большого ребёнка. К тому же его политтехнологи активно использовали юмористическую подачу (мем с лягушонком, к примеру), что тоже помогло привлечь молодых людей. Навальный действует в этом же ключе.

Мы внимательно анализируем, какой контент интересен юзерам. "Манежка", "Болотка", проспект Сахарова не особо волновали подростков. Даже Крым прошёл достаточно поверхностно, хотя война с Украиной, конечно, волновала многих. But again, this could not be called a phenomenon in contrast to what we see now with FBK. The reason for this is the emergence of new media for young audiences who are promoting this agenda. This is not only MDK, but also Lentach, Medusa. Thanks to such sites, all teenagers now know about Navalny and protests.

As a public, we primarily look at the interests of our users. And basically we do not call anyone to take to the streets. In the case of FBK, we published only information about investigations, but not references to events. But our editors went to the rally, did the broadcast in the periscope, instagram and telegram. We publish material that is needed by our users - there is no special mission here. If adolescents decide that they do not like Navalny, we will respond to this need. Users decide everything. That is why we forced Putin when we joined Crimea.

Watch the video: UK: Thousands of students skip school for London climate change protest (December 2024).

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