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Everything you need to know about modern contraception

Risk of unwanted pregnancy can deprive sex of pleasure, and she herself - to change her whole life. Safe and effective contraception is an essential part of our health and well-being, including psychological. We talk and write a lot about contraception, and here we chose ten materials about her.

How hormonal contraception works

Hormonal contraception is the most effective today, but this method is surrounded by many myths and inventions. In this material, together with the gynecologist, we figured out how it works, what benefits or harm it can bring and what types it happens. Hormonal contraceptives can be taken continuously, taking a break only for a planned pregnancy.

What awaits contraception in the next ten years

Origami condom, a condom from a hydrogel, applied with antiviral effects, suppression of sperm production by ultrasound, DNA vaccines are just some of the contraceptives being developed. We hope that at least some of them will be registered in the coming years and will be available in pharmacies

Why contraception is considered solely women's care

The overwhelming majority of contraceptives should be used by women - and only condoms and vasectomy (often irreversible) remain for men. The problem is not only in the difficulties of developing such drugs for men, but also in the well-established stereotypes about the irresponsibility of the latter

How emergency contraception works

Many women at least once in their lives find themselves in a situation where it is impossible to conceive of pregnancy, and unprotected sex has already occurred. If this happens regularly, it is worth discussing appropriate methods of preventing pregnancy with a doctor, but in case of emergency, “next morning” pills or non-hormonal intrauterine devices are used.


Should I trust calendar contraception

The calendar method of pregnancy prevention is traditionally considered ineffective. However, this year the smartphone application was first registered as a contraceptive medical device - its creators developed a surprisingly accurate algorithm for calculating "safe" days

Why the whole world chooses medical abortion

Of course, it is better to prevent unwanted pregnancy, rather than interrupt: abortion is associated with health risks, and for many with mental agony. Nevertheless, this medical procedure remains a reality - we figured out why a medical abortion is safer than a surgical

Condom guide

Condoms are not the most effective contraceptive, but they have no side effects, and most importantly - they protect against infections, including very dangerous ones. They need to properly wear and use, including for oral sex. When taking teratogenic drugs, condoms are needed even with a regular partner, along with hormonal contraception.

What is sex education and why it is needed at any age

No one wants to talk about sex with children - and children don't want to discuss it with their parents. However, in countries where sexual education is included in the school curriculum, adolescents start having sex later and the number of abortions decreases.

Why do you need to go to the gynecologist-endocrinologist

This specialist is able to become the main doctor for most women: he will help to cope with the difficulties of puberty, prepare for a healthy pregnancy, enter menopause smoothly and painlessly - and, of course, choose the appropriate methods of contraception or hormone replacement therapy

Why do men pierce condoms

Reproductive coercion is systematic violence aimed at having a child without the consent of a partner. About a tenth of men and women come across this form of abuse. Blackmail, physical and sexual abuse, throwing pills and piercing condoms are unfortunately a reality for many couples.

Cover: Etsy

Watch the video: Female Birth Control Options. Family Planning (January 2025).

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