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These are all genes: Why hereditary diseases are not a sentence

About twenty-five thousand genes in the human genome, and each one encodes information — including eye and hair color, skin type, leg length, or shoulder width. There are genes that are responsible for susceptibility to various diseases - that is, a certain version of such a gene or gene sequence increases the risk. Fortunately, in most cases, genetic predisposition is not absolute, but in how healthy an organism will be, everyday habits play an important role. We learned from specialists what to do to protect oneself from diabetes, cancer, allergies, hypertension and even inherited depression.

Arterial hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure indicators at rest exceed the norm - that is, they become above 139/89 mm. Hg Art. The causes can be very different - from congenital heart defects to acquired diseases and excessive stress. Genetic predisposition in this list is not in the first place, although, of course, contributes. It is impossible to talk only about one genetics, provoking arterial hypertension - as well as to consider that the lack of heredity will protect against this affliction during life.

"Cheating" here is not a genetic predisposition, but the whole complex of factors. It is very important to eat less salt, including in the composition of finished products: reducing its amount to 5-7 grams per day already leads to a decrease in blood pressure. It is very important not to smoke (substances contained in cigarette smoke affect the vascular tone) and drink alcohol as little as possible. The right decision will be to increase in the diet the proportion of plant foods rich in fiber and unsalted fish, as well as reduce the proportion of animal fats. And do not forget about physical exertion (for example, swimming or running) - ideally not less than half an hour a day.

Symptoms of arterial hypertension - frequent headache, tinnitus, dizziness, bleeding from the nose, heart palpitations. However, they may not be. Therefore, after forty years (and in the case of a hereditary predisposition — after twenty-five to thirty years), the pressure with a tonometer should be measured from time to time. If it is constantly raised, you need to consult a doctor: a specialist will suggest to undergo an examination and prescribe a suitable treatment.

As a rule, if one of the parents suffers from allergies, then the child’s body's tendency to allergic reactions is about 50%, and if both parents are allergic, then the probability increases to 80%. If you are allergic to your siblings, the risk is also high. Predisposition can be transmitted through the generation (for example, from grandmother to granddaughter) - in this case the probability is about 10%. At the same time, the genes that determine the body's tendency to develop allergic reactions, and not the specific "allergy to oranges", are inherited. Whether or not allergies will appear depends on the characteristics of the organism itself and on external factors: ecology, duration of breastfeeding, frequency of use of certain drugs, level of stress.

In other words, in favorable conditions, the genes that transmit allergies, can "sleep through" all my life. And vice versa: in case of unsuccessful circumstances, an allergy may appear as early as infancy. There are certain preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of allergies in the child. They can be introduced even during pregnancy: to give up fast food and sweets with a high content of flavors, emulsifiers and dyes, as well as smoking, including passive (it increases the likelihood of allergic diseases in a child at times). During this period, it is desirable to reduce the use of household chemicals, postpone the planned repair in the apartment and spend more time outdoors.

After childbirth, it is recommended to breastfeed the baby for at least four months, and if this is not possible, switch to hypoallergenic milk formulas. The first supplements should be made from the fourth to the sixth months of the child's life - this period is called the “window of tolerance” when the body’s immune system is least susceptible to allergens. In addition, we must not forget that overweight also increases the risk of developing allergic conditions, so it is important not to overfeed the child, starting from the first months of life.

Genetic predisposition is more common in diabetes of the second, and not the first type. The reason for the development of this disease is a violation of the susceptibility to insulin, a hormone that controls the level of glucose in the blood. This happens because of overweight, obesity, or an excess of abdominal (abdominal) fat - that is, the key is fat, which is too much in the body. But if a parent suffers from diabetes of the second type, this does not mean that his child is doomed. Moreover, even in the state of so-called prediabetes, there is a chance to prevent the development of the disease to the full. The most effective prevention is lifestyle correction: a balanced diet, adequate amounts of sleep and rest, regular physical activity and avoiding bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).

Building meals, it is important to abandon fasting and rigid diets - it is still difficult and not safe to follow them for a long time. Limiting animal fats and sugars can be beneficial for healthy weight loss, and a fractional diet - five or six times a day in small portions - will help to cope with the constant feeling of hunger. The main benefit of physical activity in the prevention of diabetes of the second type is not so much weight loss, as the increase in tissue sensitivity to insulin. Medium intensity aerobic exercise gives a good effect — they need to be practiced for thirty to sixty minutes at least three times a week. Patients with prediabetes can be helped by additional medications that can delay the development of the disease, but such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.

Diabetes mellitus of the second type usually does not have symptoms at the initial stage: dry mouth, thirst, weakness, fatigue, dryness and itching of the skin can occur only with a strong jump in blood sugar levels. A simple way to determine whether you are at risk is to measure your waist and calculate body mass index. If the girth is more than 80 cm for women (or 94 cm for men), and a BMI is above 25, you should visit an endocrinologist to discuss the situation in more detail. With problems with the cardiovascular system and susceptibility to diabetes, it is important not to forget to donate blood for sugar at least once a year. If the blood glucose level is higher than normal, an additional examination may be needed - the glucose tolerance test (GTT), in which a second blood sample is taken for analysis a couple of hours after glucose is taken.

In the presence of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, the probability of developing breast or ovarian cancer is about 80% in the first case and 50% in the second; the likelihood of other malignant tumors increases. In this case, the treatment carried out in time, in the early stages of the disease, gives good results. If there is a genetic predisposition, the main thing is to be regularly examined, that is, at least once a year, starting at twenty to twenty-five years old, and, if changes are found, start treatment. Screening for breast cancer should include a mammogram or breast ultrasound, and for ovarian cancer, an MRI or pelvic ultrasound, and a blood test for CA-125 and HE-4 markers. Screening for colon cancer consists of a stool test for occult blood — if blood is found, a colonoscopy should be performed.

Preventive mastectomy - an operation to remove the mammary glands - while maximizing the risk of breast cancer reduces this risk by 98%. The remaining 2% is in the extra segments of the glands in the armpit, in which cancer may develop despite mastectomy. In hereditary polyposis (the appearance of benign tumors) in the large intestine, it is important to regularly do a colonoscopy with the removal of polyps. If there are too many of the latter, a colectomy is usually prescribed - the removal of part or all of the colon, as in the case of a high susceptibility to cancer, some of the polyps sooner or later turn into a malignant tumor.

It is believed that an excess of visceral fat (that is, adipose tissue inside the abdominal cavity, around the internal organs) may contribute to the development of cancer, although the fat itself is not a carcinogen. Another thing is that in the adipose tissue in women, especially during menopause, female sex hormones are produced. If there is too much fat, the level of estrogen rises, which can trigger breast cancer.

In addition, overweight may indicate a person's food preferences - overeating, over-consumption of saturated fats (red meat, butter) and simple carbohydrates (sweets), and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of developing colon cancer. This disease is often diagnosed in those in whose diet significantly more meat food than plant fiber. The fact is that the consumption of red meat increases the concentration of fatty acids, which in the process of digestion turn into carcinogens. Fiber is able to "bind" these harmful substances, reducing the time of movement of processed food, and hence the contact of the intestinal wall with carcinogens. Therefore, for the prevention of colon cancer, it is worth eating more plant foods, and red meat - less, and it is better to abandon it altogether.

According to the World Health Organization, more than three hundred million people in the world are living with depression; the incidence from 2005 to 2015 increased by more than 18%. The causes are still being studied: at one time, a theory was popular about the lack of neurotransmitters, that is, certain substances that contribute to the transmission of signals in the nervous system. Genetics later connected: an international team of researchers identified genetic loci (chromosome segments) associated with the risk of developing severe depression — and this was a success. However, even recognizing the role of heredity in the development of depression, other factors cannot be excluded - such as the loss of a loved one or the difficult economic situation in the country. Linking depression only with genetics is not entirely fair - here the psychological stability or instability of a particular person is much more important.

Severe forms of depression require the attention of specialists and long-term treatment. But each person may have a situation when he suddenly begins to feel depressed and not wanting anything. Can this be considered depression or only depressive experiences? If in the life of a person there is no longer what was previously considered valuable to him (what was given time, what inspired him), then it is depressive experiences, the presence of which does not mean illness. In this case, self-esteem decreases, self-accusations appear ("this is what you need"), contact with others is disturbed. If you do not overcome these "symptoms", new ones may appear: indifference to past successes, frequent desire to be alone, difficulties in making even the most simple decisions. Of course, each case is individual, but there are general recommendations, subject to which there is a chance to improve the situation for the better.

First you need to try to reduce the load. Perhaps you are so loaded that there is no time left for something that used to give strength and bring joy. To return to this, it is enough to find free time - even to allow yourself to do nothing at all if there is no strength. It is worth asking yourself the question: “What am I spending the most of all my strength and energy now?” The answer "to work" in this case will be uninformative. But the answer to "frequent meetings at work" will be more specific. It is possible that after receiving the answer, it will be less likely to arrange meetings, having won some time for yourself. If experiences are connected with a difficult life situation, it is useful to recall past experience and answer the questions: “How did I get out of such situations before?”, “What helped me in this?”. Sometimes depressive experiences can be associated with the constant scrolling through social networks. If the answer to the question "Does it please me to instagram?" negative, then you should stop giving him so much time.

Another effective way is to turn to body practices, such as yoga (focusing on body sensations and breathing reduces anxiety), as well as start a diary or create a note in a smartphone, daily noting any positive points - for example, that you drank delicious coffee during break or colleague shared with you a funny story. Reread the notes more often - so you learn to notice that good things happen in life. If it is difficult to solve the problem alone, consult a specialist. This will help in time to identify the causes of experiences and to work them out in a timely manner.

Photo:voyata - stock.adobe.com, vadim yerofeyev - stock.adobe.com, fotofabrika - stock.adobe.com, SKE Photo - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: The end of genetic disease. Jacob Corn. TEDxBerkeley (January 2025).

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