How not to panic, relax and adequately spend the year
Just a couple of months ago no one could have imagined that December this year would be like a real trip to hell. Obviously, the economic surprises are not over yet and there are many interesting things ahead of us. The problem is that we started to tear the hair on the head from horror now and at such a pace by February we risk not only finally becoming poor, but also becoming bald and unhappy. There is one way out of this situation: to recognize the inevitable, to take reasonable measures and to take the posture of the Buddha. In the end, did we survive the crisis in '98? So now we will not die. Well, the main life advice we received in childhood.
All the outgoing year we behaved like this
Conscious consumption? did not hear
Got used to go to restaurants and completely forgot how to cook
In general, swam in luxury
And they did not deny themselves anything.
Not yet started
Every morning, the euro and the dollar took a new height
everyone started attacking ATMs
Take electronics stores by storm
And bought buckwheat
Facebook has generally become better not to go
And there is nowhere to get away from all this, because we were going to take a ticket for the holidays at the last moment
Here, of course, it is easy to succumb to despair.
Or panic
But it's better to look at everything philosophically.
Last but not least
Be patient
And finally think about the eternal - that is, about yourself
And also be glad that now there will be more time for home get-togethers with friends
After all, the most important thing in life is