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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Life hacking: How to cope with a jetlag in one day

IN THE WORLD OF DAILY STRESS, FAST FOOD AND SEATED LIFEThere is nothing more valuable than wellness. How to quickly get in shape, cheer up and instantly feel better - tell our express instructions.

Drowsiness, a broken state, pain in the body - all this is quite a normal reaction to the change of time zones. Transatlantic flights are not commonplace for most of us, but on the eve of the winter holidays, many decide to travel to distant countries. For some people, the jetlag is barely perceptible, and someone overtakes them in full and does not let them go for several days: working things go awry, and the first days of vacation are not at all a joy. But there are ways to alleviate their fate shortly before the flight or immediately upon arrival at the destination.

Many successfully adjust the schedule before the trip - at home, in a comfortable environment. We do not recommend waking up at three in the morning waiting for a vacation in New York. But if there is an opportunity, at least for a day or two, try to shift the time of meals, going to bed and waking up for a few hours - forward, if you fly west, and back, if you are going east.

Choose flights so that the arrival falls on the daytime: it will be easier to hold out until the evening. If it is not too hot in the country where you arrived, be more on the street during the day.

Before the flight, do not try to stay on your feet until the morning: even two or three hours of sleep will give strength and restore the body. During the flight, try to do without strong sleeping pills: on the plane, even with them, it is difficult to fall asleep, and then for some time everything will be like a fog.

Upon arrival, immediately begin to live according to the rules of the new time zone: if the day is in full swing, have lunch and take a walk, and if you arrive in the morning, do not go to bed until the evening. Take a nap one or two hours and start the day.

Those who have a streamlined mode, it is often more difficult to restructure, than people with a more flexible schedule. But in the first case there is a plus: the beginning of the journey will go smoothly if you stick to habits. Is morning coffee, an early run or bath before bed is an important ritual for you? Continue to follow him during the trip. The brain will receive the usual signals and soon enter into the usual rhythm.

You should not rely on energy, drink espresso every hour and abuse alcohol: in this case, a surge of energy and anxiety follow a tide of cheerfulness. Lean on water and herbal tea, drink vegetable and fruit smoothies (they have a lot of healthy fiber, which is not in the juice).

Watch the video: Jet Lag - Patient Education Video (November 2024).

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