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Editor'S Choice - 2024

SMM specialist Zhenya Bondarenko about BAR and favorite cosmetics

FOR RUBRIC "COSMETIC" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of interesting characters to us - and we show all this to you.

About care

It is difficult to say that I have a system - rather, a few rules, according to which I build care. In the morning I just wash my face with cold water - I don’t know if it’s right or not, but for myself I explain it by saying that once I spend the night at home, the skin is hardly contaminated as much as on the street during the day. Then use cream or butter; for summer I choose lighter textures, in winter - denser and richer. This is a very important step for my dry skin, so I try not to miss it. Sometimes I can still sleep "five minutes" in patches under the eyes. I think a normal dream would bring more benefits, but I am not looking for easy ways.

In the evening, the main thing for me is to wash everything that happened during the day off the face. I have no preferences: I cleanse the skin with micellar water, powder, milk, butter - in general, the first means to which I will reach. With horror, I remember nighttime spree at twenty years old, when you wake up about nine hours later (I felt like I slept a week) with yesterday’s mascara and traces of bad decisions on your face. My body is usually limited to the Spartan minimum: shower gel from a nearby supermarket and classic Nivea cream from a blue can (if you are lucky). In the summer I like to polish all visible parts of the body with dry oil with a shimmer. I shimmer in the sun, like a gold of the Incas, but I like it.

About bars and boxing

The realization that I take care of my body comes to me in two cases: when I, instead of fast food, eat something at least remotely similar to healthy food and after exercise. As a child, I did gymnastics, swimming, and skiing, and with what not yet, but when I grew up, my sports were walking through St. Petersburg bars. I did attempts in the direction of healthy lifestyles: running, yoga, trips to the gym - but all this did not please me, and the subscriptions were gathering dust on the shelf.

Just over a year ago, I rediscovered boxing, which I did in the first year. And it was here that I realized that the key to success was to find the kind of sport that you would like. Now I - I can not believe it - I run to workouts two or three times a week, fly away from there, winged and wildly upset if I can't get off. In the past, people who responded in this way to skipping classes seemed strange to me.

About food habits

Most of all I would like to learn how to eat normally. I have a complicated relationship with food: children's injuries affect, the rule is “until you finish, you can't leave the table”, classic complexes are due to “fatty trees”, which sometimes wake up again, and, of course, conformism: “Well, since they order delivery from McDonald's ... "I had different periods of" proper nutrition ": I practiced interval starvation, completely refused sugar, put all the calories eaten into the app and then on the list. There were other periods, for example, students in St. Petersburg, when in one of the pizzerias they gave me (quote) a "lifelong discount" on all orders. I came in winter - it still works.

Now the situation has returned to normal, I stopped rushing to extremes. The team efforts of my department are at work. I do not stick to any particular system, I try to listen to my body and there is something that could benefit him. If the "Burger with any order" action is taking place at Yandex.Ede, I will place an order, but lately it happens less frequently and becomes a rare exception. In the end, everyone has their own gilty plozhe - and who does not, do not lie, you just did not try the nuts with condensed milk from "TasteVilla."

I know for sure that in time my relationship with food will return to normal. I will stop eating everything that is badly lying, I will start to eat more consciously and I will not pretend that the Uzbek pilaf from the ABC for three days in a row is a healthy balanced diet. But I accepted the fact that it is not worthwhile to comprehend this all by leaps, it is better to treat the acquisition of healthy habits as a gradual restructuring and enjoy.

About make-up

It seems to me that I first found a suitable make-up in the third grade, when I diligently smeared my mother's face on my face - and went like that to school. By a completely coincidental coincidence, on the same day my mother came to the school, who at the sight of me almost clutched at my heart and, of course, dragged me to wash. Since then, my love for cosmetics began, which went through five standard steps: mother's plaster, fist-sized shadows with a shimmer, a too-dark concealer, attempts to master contouring, "sort of normal."

I paint in the period from September to April, and in the warm season, my hands rarely reach for cosmetics. My minimum is a light foundation, a mascara comb and eyelash curlers and highlighter. This is something that I never regret. If there are a few extra minutes, I take a palette of shadows. I like soft warm shades: caramel, beige, dark brown. The main thing in all this bacchanalia is the basis for the shadows: with it they hold twice as long, do not roll down and do not move down to the outer corners of the eyes. I use gel for eyebrows, I usually apply a balm on my lips. I rarely experiment with lipsticks, but sometimes I take out dark wine tints and create an image of a vamp woman.

I love to experiment with cosmetics, but often my experiments remain within the bathroom. It seems that my face with a little bit bright makeup always looks like I'm seven, I pulled off my mother's makeup bag and smeared everything that I found there. I see this result both after independent efforts, and after visiting professional makeup artists.

About body image

I grew up with a textbook "ugly duckling" - at least it seemed to me. Adults often told me that I was a pretty girl, but I didn’t believe them. At twelve or thirteen years, everything was wrong for me: my chin was huge, my eyelids were heavy, and the gap between my front teeth and my glasses were worn, my hair wasn’t lying like that, and (oh, horror!) the list can go on forever. Everything was aggravated by the fact that my relations with my classmates were not very successful. In the locker room before physical education classes, several girls especially liked to comment on the last item on my list of "shortcomings."

Now, at twenty-five, I understand that these years are just a certain period of development, through which many people go. What has changed over time? Somehow my eyes opened, the gap almost came together, I replaced the glasses with the ones that fit me, and then completely switched to the lenses, tamed my hair. Well, without any generosity, I inform you that girls from the locker room can burn in hell, because their breasts have grown. I am still complex about my chin, but at the same time I have become easier to treat the exterior. I have neither the strength nor the desire to scold myself.

About mental health

No matter how beaten it sounds, but how important it is to love yourself after all! This is such a simple truth, but its understanding is very difficult. To love yourself to eat healthy food, but at the same time not to lynch yourself for potatoes with cheese sauce. Love your body so as to give him both minutes of activity and minutes of rest. The same applies to the psychological state.

I know how hard it is to strive for a good psychological form for those who sometimes in life do not want to strive anywhere at all. A year and a half ago, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and this largely explained the difficulties that I had in trying to maintain balance in my life. I can not advise everyone, but I can tell you what helped me: the right people around, timely appeal for professional help, refusal from alcohol, all the same love for yourself and the desire for light. Indeed, as Professor Dumbledore said, "happiness can be found even in dark times, if you do not forget to turn to the light."

About fragrances

Aromas for me is a special thing. Since the days of the children's "Little Fairy" I have been buying them almost on an industrial scale, which often negatively affects financial well-being. As a child, my mother taught me that "a girl should have one fragrance" - the one by which she can be recognized. My mother is a very clever woman, but in matters of perfume I disagree with her. You can learn a familiar face, and limit yourself in the number of bottles on the shelf - a thankless job. I collect a collection on sensations: I buy something by summer, something strictly for winter, I carry something only when I wear sweaters, something for simple T-shirts with jeans. Sometimes I can take a break for a week and generally do not use anything, but always come back. I especially like to buy a new perfume for a trip and use it on vacation only for them: when you listen to it again after three years, you immediately remember everything as if it were yesterday.

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