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Editor'S Choice - 2024

5 materials to help sort out your own emotions

Do not get tired of repeating that there are no "bad" or "harmful" emotions - each of them plays its role and is important, and "turn off" unpleasant feelings, alas, will not work. We collected a few favorite materials about emotions that are usually avoided - from anger and envy to sadness, as well as situations where our feelings do not seem to correspond to the situation (for example, when our lives change for the better, but we are still uncomfortable) . We hope in the new year they will help you to better understand yourself.

Why need to be angry - and how to do it right

Although we are all angry, this behavior is usually condemned: unlike joy, this emotion is considered “negative” and “unpleasant”, and many would like to, in principle, never experience it. We understand why we should not do this, why we need anger and how to express it so that it does not leave any destruction behind it.

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Why laziness does not exist

Psychology refers to laziness not in the way we are used to: it believes that this is not a feeling or a quality of character, but a social construct. There is no such feeling as laziness - there is a feeling of tiredness or a state of apathy, there is aggression, which can be expressed in the unwillingness to do something. Deal with these complex ideas.

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How to benefit from envy

We understand how the feeling of jealousy arises and how to learn to treat it so that it is beneficial and not destroying.

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Why change for the better is also a test

For some reason, we do not always immediately feel delight when changes in life happen for the better. Many at this moment admit that they do not feel anything or experience desolation, sadness and other, quite sad feelings. Understand why - and what can be done about it

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How to live grief, not avoiding it

Our society avoids everything connected with death and loss - and the topic of grief because of this also turns out to be closed. We understand what emotions are associated with grief and why it is necessary to live it, no matter how hard

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Watch the video: Soldiers Coming Home Surprise Most Emotional Compilation #81 #MilitaryHomecomings (May 2024).

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