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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Instagram on the diversity of beauty, especiallyskin

We continue to tell about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

Despite the fact that it is still difficult to name instagram as a social network loyal to bodypositive, you can tailor it to yourself - for example, so that there are completely accounts telling about the beauty of a real body and the diversity of human appearance. Especiallyskin is just like that - and people from all corners of the Internet fill it, talking about their experiences.

Some show scars, moles, freckles, acne and braces, and briefly admit their features in love, others show tattoos or bright makeup with glitters and stickers, and some openly ask for support and get it. This account shows that the skin of a living person may be infantile smooth, have pigmentation or stretch marks, be snow-white or very dark, strewn with moles or decorated with drawings: each body is imprinted with a unique personality story, and this is enough to love it. fictional standards.

Watch the video: The channels to whom you should subscribe (December 2024).

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