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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Stef Sanyati, transgender makeup artist

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

Stef Sanyati is a makeup artist and video blogger. A year and a half ago, she came out and told in one of the videos that she was a transgender girl. Now, in her blog, she not only lays out video lessons, but also talks about transgenderness and her experience: the transition, how she takes hormones, her plastic surgery, post-traumatic stress disorder she has encountered, and much more. Stef also answers important questions from subscribers about gender identity and sexuality: talks about gender dysphoria, how to help transgender people, how to talk to children about transgenderness, and about relationships with transgender people.

Steph argues calmly and honestly about serious issues, not forgetting about self-irony - for example, in the last video she sticks popcorn on her face.

Watch the video: I'M TRANSGENDER. (December 2024).

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