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Editor'S Choice - 2024

In the transfer of Elena Malysheva appeared singing uterus

EVERY DAY ON THE INTERNET HAPPEN THINGS, from which I want to either laugh or cry. Inevitably the question is brewing: what are you doing?

Even if you do not have a TV at home, you are unlikely to manage to forget about the existence of the program "To live healthy!" with Elena Malysheva: she regularly becomes the source for the most, not afraid of this word, the up-to-date memes of the Russian-speaking Internet - and informs Russians in an accessible language how their body works and offers unexpected ways to take care of themselves (for example, Elena Malysheva thought of using a pad for sleep). However, the new edition of "Live is great!" surprised even the loyal audience of the program: in it the actress Svetlana Galka in a red velvet suit plays the role of the womb - and performs a song on behalf of this organ.

"But the little man will fit in me, even if I don’t believe it now. But in nine happiest months I can grow tenfold. And I’m letting in an ordinary queen, I always chop the uterus, I speak very briefly of myself - I love children endlessly. In the coming year, I sincerely wish that the babies are born healthier than anyone else in the family, "the womb sings.

Users of Russian-language Twitter were dissatisfied with the video, calling it "insane" and "disgusting." However, we are not confused by the idea of ​​dressing up the actress in a womb costume, but by her song, in which there are many wishes for childbearing, but there is no useful information about the menstruation or the organ structure. In any case, this is a good idea for a Halloween costume.

COVER: Amazon

Watch the video: Sexy ebony lady (May 2024).

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