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How and how to make contouring: Tips and 15 successful means

KONTURING, HE SAME SCULPTURING, came into vogue with instagram bloggers and still does not lose ground - with just two (or even one) means you can change the proportions of the face, if you have a desire. Modern contouring can be easy and natural, and most of the tools are sharpened to the needs of the consumer and are extremely simple to apply. Mobo Sobolev understands how, what and how to contour.

Where to put

The Internet is full of clear schemes: usually a dark tool is applied under the cheekbones, creating a shadow, and light - along the line of the cheekbone. The contouring pigment is also applied to the lower jaw, on both sides of the nose and to the area above the temples along the hairline, and the lightening pigment to the protruding and naturally highlighted parts of the face: the upper part of the cheekbones, above the upper lip, on the back of the nose, on bridge of the nose and sometimes on the chin. Highlighters for this purpose are usually used either matte or with minimal shine (furiously shiny agents are usually applied only to cheekbones) - these are rarely sold separately, but they are often included in contouring palettes. Blush in this scheme is added to the cheeks - right between the highlighter and the sculptor.

How to pick up

If you choose contouring tools for the first time, a palette of several shades will be a good option - this way you can choose (or mix) an ideal, suitable for your definition of shade. Traditionally, fair-skinned people are offered cool shades on a grayish base, and those with darker skin are warm, but not red, variants of the brown gamut. As a rule, sculptors make frosted, but sometimes they have very small sparkles - they are invisible in themselves, but give depth and versatility to color.

How to use

Contouring can be done in different ways - instagram gurus usually show a hard, strong contouring that literally sculpts a new face. But there is no need to play Kim Kardashian - contouring can be soft, completely invisible. For fast make-ups, a sculptor in stick is best suited - as a rule, they are easily bleached without creating clear lines. For more stable and noticeable results, you can use dense cream pigments or saturated powdery means. When applied, it is best to proceed from one's own proportions and desires, rather than from social ideals, which imply narrow protruding cheekbones and a stretched oval face. The main thing to remember is that contouring, like any make-up, is a completely optional thing, a game that can be approached with fantasy, and not a necessity.

Photo: Lancôme, NYX, Physicians Formula, NARS Cosmetics, Nouba, Sephora, IsaDora, Holika Holika, Burberry, Illamasqua, Kat Von D Beauty, Maybelline, Clinique, MAC, Smashbox

Watch the video: SINGING MY MAKEUP ROUTINE (May 2024).

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