Question to the expert: Is it harmful to walk without panties
Olga Lukinskaya
RESPONSES TO THE MAJORITY OF US QUESTIONS we used to search online. In the new series of materials we ask such questions: burning, unexpected or widespread - to professionals in various fields.
Recently, we found out that sleep is best naked - it allows you not to overheat and makes sleep better and healthier. But is it really necessary to have underwear during the hours when a person is awake? What is more harmful - to go without panties or in close shorts? Is bra for breast health important? Which fabric is better to choose and how to care for them? We asked these questions to the expert.
Tatyana Koycheva
the author of the blog garterblog and telegram channel "Probra"
Any material that contributes to increased humidity in the genital area can lead to the proliferation of bacteria, creating a comfortable environment for them. This applies to clothing and to linen - but at the same time the pants are checked for hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to absorb moisture, and according to the standards, this indicator for underwear should be no less than 6%. Dresses, skirts, pants and other clothes that may touch the genitals, if you do not wear pants, nobody checks for hygroscopicity, at least if we are talking about clothes for adults, which means that the situation with the growth of bacteria can aggravate these fabrics.
Walking in a warm climate without panties in a skirt or dress is quite comfortable and even useful. Genital aeration is beneficial for women prone to vaginal infections, itching and irritation. However, even with such symptoms, experts advise to remove the pants only for the night, and during the day not use too close cotton underwear (this should not be a thong). It is worth ensuring that there is no tight tissue attached to the genitals, which has not passed the necessary sanitary standards and is not intended for such contact. In addition, the seams of clothing can cause irritation on the skin.
There is little chance of picking up an STI by sitting on a bench without panties (for this reason the public toilet is not so dangerous): sexually transmitted infections are not just called that. But the friction of strongly adjacent dense tissue can injure the skin and mucous membrane; non-breathing tissues, as mentioned above, promote the reproduction of bacteria already living in the vulva and vagina. This increases the risk of unpleasant inflammatory processes such as cystitis or urethritis.
Do not forget about vaginal secretions: normally, the secretion can reach four milliliters per day and the volume changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Virtually all panties have an extra layer of cotton, called a gusset, designed to absorb these secretions. There are no crotch pants or skirts, so the discharge may be on clothing and leave stains, including visible from the outside.
Walking in a warm climate without panties in a skirt or dress is quite comfortable and even useful.
The problem is that few people are ready to wash clothes as often as underwear: according to a poll by the Yougov British organization, 93% of women surveyed and 74 men wash out their underpants after each sock, but only 5% of women get jeans. and 4% of men. True, there are no statistics on how often jeans are washed by people who prefer to wear them on their naked bodies.
It should be borne in mind that washing underwear in cold water can lead to the spread of microorganisms such as staphylococcus, or contribute to relapse of thrush. Pathogenic microorganisms perfectly survive on a variety of tissues for many days and months, so it is better to wash clothes at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees. If we are talking about the delicate fabrics that are recommended to wash in cold water, it is worth using antibacterial detergents or liquids with oxygen bleach in the composition.
As for the tissues, for the health of the vagina are optimal those that do not retain heat and moisture. According to some studies, among the risk factors leading to thrush (vulvovaginal candidiasis) are synthetic and too tight underwear. Most experts recommend wearing cotton underwear, but this is not always the best option. With excessive sweating (in the gym or a hot climate), cotton can be an excellent medium for the growth of bacteria; it absorbs moisture well, but it dries not as fast as special clothes for sports from modern types of synthetics.
A good option - panties made of silk; they are comfortable in the heat and cold, quickly absorb moisture and dry. True, silk is much more expensive than other fabrics and scrupulous in care. You should also pay attention to the bamboo leaf - soft, breathable and moisture absorbing; it may even have antibacterial properties. True, under the guise of such a fabric, Rayon is often offered - a fabric subjected to such chemical treatment that there is little left of the properties of bamboo. For men, it is better to choose underwear made of cotton or wool: research has shown that underwear made of synthetic fabrics can have a bad effect on sexual activity.
A good option - panties made of silk, they are comfortable in the heat and cold, quickly absorb moisture and dry
As for bras, there are many myths associated with their health effects - for example, that they are supposedly capable of causing breast cancer; Scientists have confirmed that such a relationship does not exist. In addition, it is considered that the failure of the bra contributes to ptosis (that is, the omission) of the breast. At the same time, today there is not a single scientific study that would confirm that wearing a bra prevents ptosis. Other factors contribute to the omission: age, high body mass index, pregnancy, sudden weight loss. At the same time, breastfeeding, weight gain during pregnancy, and the lack of regular upper body exercise were not risk factors for breast ptosis.
There is also evidence (although not very convincing) that wearing a bra, on the contrary, contributes to atrophy of the pectoral muscles. In 1990, a study was conducted in Tokyo with the participation of 11 girls between the ages of 23 and 29 - and it turned out that during the period of wearing bra the breast dropped more than during the period when the girls did not wear bras. During the year, a study of young (18–25 years old) female athletes who did not wear bras in everyday life or in sports went on at the Laboratory of Sports Medicine in Besançon. The measurement results showed no ptosis, higher elasticity of the breast and better development of the muscles surrounding the mammary glands. A French researcher concluded that "wearing a bra is based more on social and cultural norms than on a scientific basis."
Of course, these results should be interpreted carefully - for example, none of the listed studies did not indicate the breast size of the participants, and their number was very limited. Walking without a bra is not harmful, but for many it is a matter of convenience; playing sports without good support, especially if the chest is large, can be just painful. And, of course, wearing or not wearing a bra is a matter of comfort, habits, love or dislike for clothes in general, and even social and political views.
Photo: Etsy, Bombay_foto -