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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Bookmarks: Domestic Violence Stories in the I Am Not OK Project

IN RUBRIC "IN BOOKMARKS" We talk about websites and online services - both useful and completely useless, but funny and amazing - which, in fact, should be added to favorites or added to the RSS-feed.

I Am Not OK

The hashtag #iamnotOK began to spread on social networks a couple of days ago, shortly after the launch of the site of the same name movement, which aims to draw attention to the problem of domestic violence (from which only in the US, according to campaign organizers, an average of twenty people suffer every minute). The site asks visitors to share their stories about their experiences: quotes from some of the stories can be found on instagram.

One of the first movements was supported by actress Evan Rachel Wood, who told her story on the social network: “I’m not in order, because no matter how much I work, I’m still looking for peace and a sense of security. I’m still trying to leave it all behind, but I'm not sure that I will really succeed. I am not in order, because I do not remember what it is like to live without feeling fear all the time. "

Recall that in Russia the problem of domestic violence, among others, deals with the center "Violence.Net". On his website you can support their activities, as well as find instructions for people affected by domestic violence.

Watch the video: Housing Options for Domestic Violence Survivors 101 (December 2024).

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