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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Editor Buro 24/7 Ksenia Obukhovskaya on body perception and favorite cosmetics

FOR THE FACE "HEAD" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of interesting characters to us - and we show all this to you.

About anorexia and sports

My relationship with appearances has always been like a battlefield. For as long as I can remember, I never liked the way I looked: I was constantly losing weight and experimenting on myself. In the end, I fell ill with anorexia, which I tried to cope with without exaggerating my entire teenage age. The realization that my appearance, whatever it is, does not define me as a person and that my body is not an enemy, has come only by the age of twenty. The idea, in fact, is very simple, but I think you should not explain how difficult it is to believe.

Sport helped me a lot: for two years I have been going to classes twice a week and now I can’t imagine my life without them. The first months in the hall, of course, were mockingly hard physically and morally. I only wore baggy clothes, avoided reflective surfaces and looked around with shame. But experience has shown that getting out of the comfort zone can be very useful. After a couple of years, my complexes disappeared, and I go to workouts in a sports bra and tights and feel like Jane Fonda from the aerobics video of the 80s. Sport has become the best complement to therapy; besides, there is nothing more pleasant than watching how you change.

About work

Now I work as a fashion editor at Buro 24/7, and before that I managed to take a look at it and be the author, it seems, in all Russian-speaking media - even those that have already closed. While studying, it seemed to me that the series of unpaid internships would never end, but then I saw from the inside how different publications work, and finally made sure that my future was in digital. I like what's happening in the fashion industry, and I like to take part in it. For me, fashion is much more than clothing - it is a socio-cultural phenomenon. Now, when it is increasingly intertwined with new media, technology and virtual reality, this is more than obvious.

Despite the fact that sometimes I want to go to the forest and live in a dugout to take a break from the Internet and fashion, I love my job - for the opportunity to tell stories and invent new formats, for new tasks that she sets for me, and meetings with talented people. people. At first, of course, it was very scary, because for the first time I was entrusted with a whole rubric. For the first month I felt like a man who found himself in the middle of the ocean, but could not swim. But time has shown that it is best to learn from experience, and this can be done endlessly. Another important thing that I am still trying to pass through myself is that in any field there will always be people who will just criticize. You don’t need to listen to them, but you need to focus on kindness and remember why you are doing all this.

About care

For me, care is first and foremost healthy habits. My dad is a doctor and master of sports, so as a child my morning began with a charge, like in a pioneer camp. Recently, I decided to recall this good tradition and every morning before breakfast I drink a glass of water and then wake up already on the gymnastic mat. Such unobtrusive rituals, for example, like a staircase instead of an elevator or walking on foot instead of a trip to the subway, can be great to tone up. I can not say that I follow the diet - in my diet there is no logic at all. I avoid fat and constantly drink Borjomi, but at the same time I can drink my healthy lunch without gluten with a can of cola or Red Bull. On the other hand, I do not consider it necessary to limit myself, because it is detrimental to mental well-being.

My skin care is elementary: cleansing mousse, cream and Korean facial masks. I also love the French cosmeceuticals, so every time I go to Paris, I am pleased with the interesting banks of Caudalie and La Roche-Posay. Now I care more about the condition of my hair: they have undergone a lot and, it seems, have not yet moved away from experiments. From dryness and split ends, I save myself with oils, make masks and avoid styling and hair dryers. It seems to work.

About cosmetics

I began to be beautiful recently: before I began to relate more calmly to my appearance, it seemed to me that cosmetics did not suit me. My daily makeup is very simple - sometimes I do without it. This is usually mascara, a thin line of eyeliner, eyebrow gel, cream blush in the stick, which can quickly be shaded with your fingers, and lip balm. I think that bright colors go to me: if I am in a good mood, I can make myself pink smokes or any other make-up from the latest series of "Drag Race" to go dancing.

I can meditate on tutorials and photos of my make-up friends for a long time, but most of all I value naturalness, at least on my face. Perhaps this is the merit of my mother, who often walks completely without makeup and looks amazing in her fifty. Exception for me is lips. When choosing a lipstick, I am ready for any extremes: lilac, black, pink, red - the last one is their whole collection. In my opinion, there is nothing more beautiful than red lipstick.

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