Rarity: Fassbender becomes a goat in the 2003 clip
In 2003, we were still listening to Britpop, we were carrying a Merc bag over our shoulders, and Brad Pitt had just moved into the category of mature sex symbols. But most importantly, no one yet knew that Michael Fassbender was coming - and then he showed himself in all its glory. At the dawn of an acting career (which made his role famous in McQueen’s Hunger happen only in five years), Fassbender appeared in the clip of the then popular British rock band The Cooper Temple Clause. In Blind Pilots, Fassbender is young, handsome and charming — at least for the first minute of the video. It is much more important that the plot of the clip bears a valuable life wisdom: any man who changes his woman is a goat. And Fassi is no exception.