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Editor'S Choice - 2024

How to dress up for the festival of contemporary art "Form"

The Wonderzine edition selects the most interesting event every week and recommends how to dress up there. Our proposal this week is the second festival of Russian contemporary art, Form, which will unfold tomorrow, June 12, in the territory of the Krasnaya Presnya park. From 13:00 to 23:30 we are waiting for lectures, performances, performances of indie groups and other intellectual outdoor entertainment.

The second "Form" sentimental memories of the first "Picnic Posters" in Krasnopresnensky Park - channels, homemade food, market, lecture "Where to live for the creative class in Moscow", a couple of musical scenes (Trud and Jack Wood lead), frisbees, plaids and dogs. The main and fundamental difference - "Form" is still sharpened by an exhibition of the achievements of modern art; here will be all the bright young faces from Taus Makhacheva to the post-futuristic performance of Donatas Grudovich. In terms of the shows, the program is rich, and it is good to hear that the festival organizers promise to cope with the problem of any open-air - when half of the festival has to be held in line for a burger or a box of Chinese noodles. However, we do not advise too much to lean on food: among the already traditional entertainments like frisbee, slackline started up - in fact, this is walking on a tightrope, but then it is stretched across the canal.


Accuweather.com predicts rain, so you should throw an umbrella and a raincoat into your backpack. Lineup speeches painted for the whole day, two scenes, and they are on different islands of the park, so you will have to walk a lot. In this situation, sneakers with sneakers are your best friends. Do not show off, save your heels with platforms for a party with cocktails. Well, the top is easier to choose - all of a sudden the Hummus slap tehina or LES coffee will flood. Everything is simple: nature, music, design and you. Spend energy not on changing rooms, but sending out invitations to your friends. Will be good!

"The form" runs outdoors. Weather forecasters promise more than 20 ° C. You will have to move a lot, so the more comfortable you dress - the more discussions, concerts and performances you will see. Among the suitable options are a voluminous pajama suit, the most ordinary T-shirts with shorts and dresses that do not constrain movements. Perhaps that's all. The festival does not even have an unwritten dress code; street culture fans and Trud group fans will come there. However, this is an art event, so you can contrive and put on metallic tops and shorts with unusual-shaped glasses and baroque sneakers. Well and the main thing - comfortable shoes on a flat sole, a bottle of water and a beautiful plaster.


Watch the video: Bedford Gallery: Outfitters The Contemporary Art of Clothing (April 2024).

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