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"Porn contouring is not mine": Who writes erotica and why on the Internet

We live in a world where pornography has become an incredible lot. Apparently, they are rightly criticized for the exploitation of women's bodies, for their growing dependence on pornoroliki and for objectification, which, among other things, prevents them from getting rid of images from pornography in real sex.

It would seem that porn with its accessibility and frankness should have supplanted all other forms of erotica, but stories are still very popular on the Internet, where sex is described in detail. Eroticism is written both by fikrayter and fans of copyright stories - we talked to them and learned how the text did not die under the onslaught of the video and why it is more interesting to read about sex than to look at it.

I have been writing since about eighteen. I was moved into this by romance novels that were in abundance in the hospital library. I read them and thought: "Pfe, I can do that too. I can even better." At first it was a cute gett. (a description of heterosexual romance. - Approx. Ed.), then a gay friend who read art, said: "And give me a tale for my birthday, you know, about the two boys." I gave it, and it went away.

I write in different genres, mostly slash (A description of the romantic relationship between men. - Approx. Ed.)because the topic of the relationship between the two guys directly touched my family. We can say that I am writing for the sake of people who read saying: “Hmm, about n ***, but interestingly, I don’t even want to vomit.” So that people understand that there is nothing bad in a relationship built on the voluntariness and consent of two adults.

When reading, it is easier to associate yourself with the characters, to recall some images in your memory, to mentally select voices, to represent scenes. And pornoroliki is also a framework, only that on the screen. It’s impossible to fantasize, we clearly know the type of characters, behavior, environment. It is exciting, but still reading gives more sensations.

In my stories there is almost no erotica - maximum rating R (usually such a rating is obtained by films to which people under the age of seventeen can only come under the responsibility of the parents. - Ed.). I am more attracted to the psychological component of relationships: the development of feelings, the actions of heroes. Outing pornorolikov - not my forte. Readers know this and do not ask for a rating. We have a mutual understanding with them: I write for them bright, kind and at their request, but they do not ask where the author has the most explicit scenes. Although I myself read both ordinary literature and a set of literature (online literature. - Ed.), and requests are different: romance and BDSM are side by side in bookmarks.

In 90% of cases, I write originals (works with copyright characters. - Approx. ed.), I have been doing this for about seven years. I usually write in the NC-17 rating (forbidden for people under seventeen years old. - Ed.), and I read everything that my friends and readers advise - I am guided by the plot. Why erotic? Sex in human life takes a lot of space, it is one of the important stages in the formation of love.

In my opinion, reading erotica is directly related to sexual arousal. Just need not forget about the enjoyment of the soul: when between the characters in the stories volume midi or maxi (medium or large form. - Ed.) there is chemistry, then one or two bed scenes become the cherry on the cake. I write what I would like to read myself. Therefore, my audience is divided into those who share my views, and those who have not yet ebbed hormones.

I am drawn to slash - I am certainly attracted by the absence of female psychology, as well as the uniqueness of the characters in the works of such a trend. Previously, it was nezbito and new, but now there is a feeling that you started the car and broke the brakes.

Imaginations and emotions from erotic texts in the aggregate are much brighter than the sensations from not always successful directing of banal pornography. One thing - "looked and forgot," another - "but now I really envy them, this is fire, this is passion." While reading, it seems as if you are becoming one with the heroes, and when you watch porn, it is as if you are watching someone.

I've been writing fan fiction for over ten years, including high-ranking (with elements of erotica. - Approx. Ed.). I prefer either slash or femslash (A description of the romantic relationship between women. - Approx. Ed.) - they are freer from gender roles and stereotypes. Recently, in some places I am switching to a gett, because I feel that it is already possible to prescribe people, and not social roles.

In erotica and in fan fiction, in general, freedom from the genre framework, from common sense and moral norms attracts - in the "official" work, the topic of sex is mostly taboo or hard-operated. So, there is “official” creativity, there is porn, and there are cunning directors who are trying to disguise the lack of plot with eroticism. In fanfiction, the face is erased, and, finally, for once, you can prescribe sex openly, as part of relationships and life. As a normal part, important - but not the only; without shame, wickedness and "they woke up the next morning." Heroes live, fight enemies, fall in love, build relationships and have sex like real people. In this case, I write erotica and even porn only when it is important for the plot and the relationship of the characters - I would call it an expanded love story.

The problem with porn is that it is inhuman, full of objectification. In 95% of the commercials, the actress with a glassy look “seduces” or groans out of place - she is not at all involved in the process, we do not know what she is thinking about. To associate yourself with this is simply disgusting. Therefore, it seems to me that girls are more susceptible to erotic fan fiction - there the characters at least feel something. We can empathize with them and feel the same thing as they are: from quivering emotional excitement to heat in the whole body, which you will not particularly show with a picture. But at the same time, you need to understand that what a person reads does not say anything about him, because you do not know what he sees there. In the same fanfic, you can enjoy a hot bed scene or a smooth development of relationships, elements of humiliation, or even a description of magic. I have readers - heterosexual men who have slash at all. But they read because they like the plot.

Fanfixed is also safer than porn because no real people are involved in it and you can realize fantasies that are poorly compatible with biology. For example, vampirism or something with wings. But the porn industry is also not sitting on the ground: there were good acting work, plot, conflict and other attributes of art. I think in the future, if we do not slide back into hypocrisy, the line between "official" art and pornography will be erased. A bridge that leads to a common denominator, will be fanfixed. Some regular readers told us with a co-author that it was thanks to fanfiction that they learned to treat sex as something normal and completely natural. I think this is a big victory.

Now I write mostly originals, but I started from the getta on the Naruto fandomu. But I quickly realized that it was much more interesting to create my own characters than to try to write about others. Previously, it was a serious hobby for me, I wanted to become a writer, but with age and accumulated experience it became obvious that everything is not so simple. Now creating my own stories for me is an outlet and a great joy. It is easy and pleasant to do this when you really have something to tell about and you don’t write text for the sake of the text, like many ficwriters.

I take writing as seriously as I can afford. I would like to create such a story so that it would not be embarrassing to take it to a publishing house. Unfortunately, the idea for such a work has not yet been born to me. In addition, I was faced with an obvious problem: in Russia, “propaganda of homosexuality” is prohibited and I cannot send to the publisher a manuscript describing homosexual relations. Surely this problem worries many modern fikrayterov-slasher. Therefore, we have to meet the needs of a vast Russian audience and change the repertoire, otherwise it is impossible to publish.

I mainly write in the slash genre and put the NC-17 rating. Quite often I do this because the target audience of “Fikbuka” loves high ratings - many do not even open the texts, the description of which shows the rating below. But I am also not interested in writing about characters between which they are not sparkling and whose relations cannot be expressed in a hot bed scene.

Slash attracts me because writing about homosexual relationships is more interesting than traditional ones. By entering into same-sex relationships, a person risks appearing "inferior" and "superfluous" in society. Accordingly, such a novel is difficult to maintain, because for the characters there are many more obstacles - is this not a guarantee of a good plot for any story? All possible obstacles in heterosexual relationships have already been described, in the slash any circumstances - be it unwillingly marriage, kidnapping, captivity, slavery, ordinary everyday relationships - look much more interesting. In addition, to create male characters for me personally is much more exciting than female ones. I like to write about a powerful, strong-willed, despotic character, this leaves room for the plot - after all, heroines of this kind are rarely found.

In the usual porn industry, in the end, it all comes down to mechanical dull sex, no matter what fetishes and kinks the characters are trying to portray. Moreover, the actors do not always match the taste of the fastidious spectator, and some anatomical details may cause disgust rather than sexual arousal. When reading erotica, a person has the opportunity to present all intriguing and exciting details on his own, and it is the latter circumstance that outweighs in favor of printed erotica.

I publish stories on the Internet since 2012. Never considered it as a way to make money or as something more than a hobby. For me, a blank sheet of paper as a psychotherapist: I can dump all my worries and problems on him, then to look at them from a different angle, to find new solutions. Sometimes, I may not even notice how I project something from life onto paper — I understand this only much later. So creativity for me is not only self-expression, but also introspection, and, in a sense, adhesive tape.

I work in a wide range of genres. The only thing is that I don’t have a soul for everyday subjects, I prefer something supernatural. I share the rating and non-rating works equally, but if the text is large-scale, then this is definitely a high rating. It is not necessary that there will be many erotic scenes, but at least one will exist. Sex in the text should be exactly so much that if you remove it, the plot does not fall apart into unrelated parts. I tried myself both in the goethe, and in the forward slash, and in the femlesche, but the het prevails - I started with it, but the variety is also nice.

At the very beginning of a creative way, erotic scenes were purely a tribute to the audience. They significantly increased the interest in your work: people came, and then you could already tell them what you really want, but they got involved and stayed. Later I realized that scenes with high ratings are a really powerful tool for uncovering the characters. I often use rating scenes to show the fundamental turns in a relationship, to allow the reader to follow how they have changed and what they came to. Some tend to devalue erotic scenes in artistic texts, but this is really a strong and beautiful thing. But every time I write a great job with the stated high rating, and there are no relevant moments for a long time, I receive reminders from readers. Sometimes it's a little annoying.

Erotic prose is not about sexual arousal at all. Sex has its own very powerful aesthetics, and this aesthetics has a huge number of connoisseurs who are looking for something not vulgar, not too rough and straightforward. So it seems to me that when people come for high-rated works, they do not want to relieve sexual tension - they are literally looking for something for the soul.

I write only the originals - I don't like to graze on someone else's meadow. Ratings are usually high, I am definitely not interested in writing without a love line. And if it really is, then it's just a sin not to write sex scenes, which I always miss when I read books. I generally write exactly what I would like to read.

The mechanical description of sex is usually secondary. More interesting are the psychology, emotions, feelings of the characters, in fact all that and in other scenes. Sex is only an episode that allows you to reveal the characters brighter, more fully. Prefer slash, because gett somehow become boring. Many people come precisely for rating stories, because jen (genre without any romantic relationship. - Ed.) You can read and professionals, where there is much higher guarantee that the text will be of high quality.

Slash is often considered a teenager, but this is hardly true. I myself have long gone out of the age of a girl and are approaching the age of my grandmother, and many of my readers are adult women who still like this genre. Usually there are two main reasons for its popularity. First, two beautiful men in bed are better than one. Secondly, interest in the forbidden fruit.

In one of the articles on Fikbuk (by the way, it was written by a man) I found an interesting idea that relations between same-sex partners can initially be built on equality of rights, even in purely domestic matters. Just because there is no historically established distribution of roles that is present in traditional couples. Perhaps women write slash works and act out those modernized relations that they themselves would agree to. The idea that women are addicted to this in the search for equality and justice cannot but warm. But, I think, it is necessary to remember also about more down-to-earth versions. I am sure that in the head of every lady reading or writing slash, a whole bunch of reasons, occasions, desires, and so on blooms.

Own fantasy can give a lot more emotions and sensations than someone else. A literary text just gives her much more scope than the video, in which everything is unique. Firstly, there is nothing to think out, and secondly, there is too great a chance not to fall. Not even a real trifle in the behavior or appearance of the actors will come - and all, the effect will not be achieved. There is one more thing: literary texts provide not only the sex scene itself, like most porn, but also plot motive. I think very few people will argue with the fact that non-clouded porn excites far less than the sex scene, to which the viewer or reader was let down by telling about heroes, their relationships, problems, love or hate. For me, reading, and writing erotic scenes with sexual arousal is directly related. And I do not really understand how it could be otherwise.

At first, I was reading fan fiction: I was sixteen and a good friend put me on them. Not that I liked it so much, rather I liked a girlfriend and I was looking for common topics for conversation. Then, closer to summer, I had absolutely nothing to do, and out of boredom I wrote the first fan fiction; I tried to post work at Hogwarts.net first, but got tired of waiting until the first chapter was moderated, and found Fickbook. There the story suddenly went to the public, and I began to write something else.

It was not the first time for me to look for interlocutors on the Internet, and I was not very worried that I would post some nonsense for everyone to see. As an excuse, I came up with this pseudonym - Manic Schizophrenia. People still write to me to say that such a diagnosis does not exist.

I read mostly slash, mostly from the R rating and above. I work with the same ratings. I can not say that I am absolutely a “pervert” - I rather get aesthetic pleasure. Although there are some works that are quite hot, and often I can generally scroll through the rating scene. I do not read and write Femslash; he reminds me too vividly of my heartfelt attachments to girls, and I really do not want to stir up the past. I am part of the LGBT community and I think that if I am good at writing such things, this is already a contribution to a good thing.

Girls like slash because they put themselves in the shoes of one of the men. This is due to the prohibition of such relations, and because the attitude towards a woman, at least in our country, will never be the same as towards a man. Not all girls like to be a priori passive in a relationship. If you yourself meet a guy, you spend only one night with him, and so on - you will immediately be branded w ***. With the opposite sex this almost does not happen.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons (1, 2, 3)

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