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Editor'S Choice - 2025

To whom to subscribe to Instagram: Comics about the crisis of 25 years

LIFE WITHOUT SOCIAL NETWORKS in 2015 - something from the field of bold experiments, for which few are ready. You can use microblogging in order to be aware of the smallest details of the lives of your friends, or you can view the whole world through them. To help with the second, we tell about the authors of the most beautiful instagram accounts, witty twitter and socially useful facebook. In this issue - quatrains about the problems of 20-year-olds, familiar to everyone who is experiencing or has already experienced the difficulties of growing up.

About the crisis of 25 years, modern man knows firsthand. Usually it looks like this: all the friends seem to be already married and having children, discussing the purchase of a second car and praising their incredible career growth. You think at this time, what to pay for an apartment, and order a pizza, deciding to treat yourself to an additional sauce. Do not sneer at their small (and not so) problems, fears and complexes can not, otherwise you can not get up from bed in the morning. The artist and actress from Los Angeles Samantha Jane decided to support herself and everyone in a similar position by inventing the Quarterlifepoetry - single-strip with a topical poem in the signature. Jane talks about the daily difficulties of an “officially grown-up” person who is 25. In the stripes, she usually comments on the expectations of Western society, which makes demands on our appearance, career, salary and future plans. Jane has deservedly become the darling of the Internet overnight: her kind humor and the earthiness of the problems are encouraged by the Millennial comrades - let the poems speak for themselves.

Watch the video: War on Boys (January 2025).

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