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Editor'S Choice - 2024

"Rodnimite Ruki Vverkh!": Natalia Oreiro wrote a song for the World Cup - partly in Russian

EVERY DAY ON THE INTERNET HAPPEN THINGS, from which you want to either laugh or cry. Inevitably the question is: what are you doing?

The star of the cult series of the late 90s "Wild Angel" Natalia Oreiro released a new track, which became the unofficial anthem of the World Cup - 2018, which will be held in Russia from June 14 to July 15. The vigorous composition was called "United by love" ("United by love") - in it the singer sings in three languages: Spanish, English and Russian. "Poehali! Rossiya! Ya vas lyublyu Rossiya! Davaite! Рodnimite ruki vverh!" - she calls. Oreiro reinforces his love for Russia with a hat with earflaps at the end of the video.

Watch the video: benny blanco, Halsey & Khalid Eastside official video (December 2024).

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