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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Instagram scandals in the beauty industry

We continue to tell about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

Surely you have already subscribed to the witty instagram Diet Prada, the authors of which collect vivid examples of plagiarism in fashion. In the beauty industry, this phenomenon is also often, so the emergence of such an account, but about the world of cosmetics, was only a matter of time. Meet Estee Laundry - your personal guide to the world of peeped ideas and beauty scandals. Here they carefully watch for regular cases of plagiarism in Kylie Jenner’s launches, discuss the noise around Deciem and wonder why the most current brands don’t make mascara. In general, if you are not indifferent to intrigues and like to get to know the industry from the inside, we advise you to subscribe.

Watch the video: How beauty brands failed women of color (December 2024).

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