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Editor'S Choice - 2025

6 makeup options for women aged

We often raise The topic of age, largely because there is no this age in the Russian-language information space, they don’t talk about it, and middle-aged women and men are written off. You can talk for a long time about the reasons for this state of affairs, and, it seems to us, this should be done, but it is just as important to back up words with actions — even such optional ones as filming makeup instructions. With age, the weight of the individual only becomes more, so the work of the make-up artist becomes more complicated, but we took a risk: we picked up two images for three adult heroines (conditional "day" and "evening") and asked them about what they thought about these metamorphoses and whether they wanted to experiment with its well-established image.


Natalia Lazebnaya

47 years old, English teacher

As in any other make-up, I used classical sculpting, but I actively worked the chin line to hide the contoured facial contour. In general, the heroine is doing well, I covered the pigmentation around the eyes, and mixed the tone with the cream so that the pigment does not clog up in wrinkles. But if there is a strong deformation of the skin, especially around the eyes and lips, it is better to use silicone bases or special tonal means for mature skin (such as Make-Up Atelier, for example).

In an age make-up it is better to use matte textures: the radiance will forgive, and the mature face wants to add charm. Matte shadows always look more dignified, and shining, especially with large glitters, do not add gloss. I summed up my eyes with shadows, not with a pencil - clear lines on a mature face often look inaccurate, although it depends on the condition of the skin. But for most people, eyelashes become less frequent, eyelids become more flabby, therefore it is better to apply a pencil with a brush in order to avoid the clarity that can slide into clumsiness.

It struck me that it finally coincided with what I thought of myself. Once, an old school art teacher caught me in the market, she began to make noise: “Why don't you paint yourself!” Then she walked away and said: "Oh, you ass, Lazebnaya: gray hair, and young eyes - there is something in this." So with this makeup: everything is appropriate and do not need to change in myself what I came to for various reasons. You just need to know and profitable and unprofitable things about yourself. Here it was: profitable underlined, unprofitable hidden. I understand everything about correctly imposed tone, but I will hardly do it - the skin itches. I think that bright lipstick for a young age, Dasha (make-up artist. - Ed.) Did not argue. It will be interesting to read what you write about the makeup of other participants. And in general, a cool project. I hope you avoid the typical look from youth on maturity / old age.

I summed up the mucous membrane with a persistent dark blue pigment, and I used it as a mascara. I wanted to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, because they are green, and in contrast with blue, they began to play. The make-up itself is dark enough, actually Smokey, and he wanted to be diluted so that he did not look overweight, but was brighter. Even with age, many women want to add color to their eyes, and more often for this they use some blue or blue pencils. Such an eyeliner is the most innocuous way to use a color pencil on adult eyes. Before that, I was talking about shining shadows, now I have slightly brightened the inner corner of my eye with them, in order to liven up my eyes, this allows for a good state of the century. But if it was all in wrinkles and hanging, I would not do that.


I rarely have to make up, usually for an evening or a concert. The fact that Dasha (makeup artist. - Note. Ed.) Chose a blue eyeliner for evening makeup and used it as a mascara, turned out to be the coolest. I am afraid to bring the lower eyelid, but now I will do as Dasha: the view becomes softer if you sum up the eyes with a pencil. I always dreamed of learning to paint eyes under the Cold Faith. Finally, I saw it on myself and now I will start to try. You write about these "Smokey"? Here and learn from you.

Evelina Nikolaevna Shevyakova

76 years old, teacher of the history of foreign literature

The black mascara did not make the first heroine look heavy: she had rather thick and long eyelashes, clear eyebrows and dark hair, but here she would have looked alien. I drew a classic arrow with a short tail, chose a softer lipstick, slightly darkened the oval of the face and the area under the cheekbones and mixed pink and peach shades of blush. In general, an adult face has a good blush of any shades - with age, the apples of the cheeks do not lose volume, and an eccentric blush can look great as part of the image.

I spied on every Dashin (make-up artist. - Approx. Ed.) Movement, I learned something about eye makeup. It sounds ridiculous, but when I came home, I looked at everything Dasha saw and wrote down from memory: where do the arrows go from, how shadows overlap. Before the New Year, I will actively use all this knowledge - this make-up creates just a festive, joyful mood.

When I work with adult clients, I don’t want to paint a new face - it’s hard to present something new, because women are used to their eyebrows and lips and most often want me to do the same. Now I just emphasized the make-up with which the heroine came: she hid a clear lipstick contour (I don’t like pencils, I’d better choose matte lipstick for durability), tinted my eyebrows, blew a clear liner and painted over the space between the pages.

I liked the make-ups that I did, I think they were not only professional, but also individual. Considered age and everything else, it turned out not vulgar, but intelligent and caring. I really liked how Dasha (makeup artist. - Approx. Ed.) Answered my question if she was pleased with her work: "If I was unhappy, I would not let you go," this is an indicator.

Lyudmila Glebovna Strakhovskaya

72 years old, mathematician

With older clients, I adhere to a delicate palette, because age is wisdom; I want no war paint, but gentle feathers and that everything was in place. Here I added a black mascara (I applied it with a non-native brush, but with a separate brush so that it lay down very thinly and slightly emphasized the eyelashes), at the same time traced the space between the pages. I also darkened the outer corners of my eyes with matte shadows, driving a slightly hanging upper eyelid into the shadow, and applied brownish lipstick.

I started using cosmetics late, after thirty years, before that I didn’t even paint eyelashes and really didn’t like perfumes until closer to the end of the 70s French ones started to appear in stores. Now I paint minimally, before going to work or a little more - to the theater or to visit. But I would like to use cosmetics a little more - visually the face is tightened, the tone is evened out. Any attempts to make up my dark eyes, as it always seemed to me, didn’t go at all - I remember, my university girlfriend tried to make me dark corners, and I was horrified. I have never done it since then, and the dark eyes in today's make-up were, perhaps, the most unusual for me, I’m probably not ready for such underlined eye makeup. In addition, I have sensitive eyelids, I'm not very comfortable with a solid eye makeup. Therefore, in the evening make-up, if you can call it that, I always preferred to focus on the lips - I chose slightly brighter shades of lipstick in the red-brown tones. But today Dasha (make-up artist - Ed.) Offered me a different shade, which also came as a surprise to me - and I really liked it. I think that I would use it. And I will definitely get a wide brush for powder - and powder too.

The heroine has a warm appearance, and wanted to emphasize it with pastel shades. I put the interracial space brown, used the brown mascara, made a contrast emphasis on the lips to dilute the uniform makeup. I also made a cream correction of the face oval, because the face is very structural and powdery means would unevenly color the skin where it had to be colored. It is already possible to apply dry blush on such a colored substrate - even if they lie unevenly, it will not be so noticeable.

I came to the shoot with a simple make-up, just twisting my hair a little bit. By the way, in the days of my youth, we always paid more attention to hair styling than to decorative cosmetics. My grandmother never even went out to the kitchen without wave styling in the style of the 20s, and my mother, I remember, painted eyebrows, eyelashes and lips. But it seems to me that while a woman has the opportunity, it is necessary to emphasize her natural beauty. Of course, it is very important to take care of yourself and, if necessary, to mask shortcomings - for example, I always had very thick broad eyebrows that almost grew together on the bridge of my nose, which gave my face severity. And already in adulthood, I began to give them shape and tint. It seems to me that many people underestimate how beautiful, well-groomed eyebrows are important for a woman, even if she does not use cosmetics. With age, the need for cosmetics increases - after all, the facial features are not so bright, and you want to hide some nuances a little more. For example, my lips have become thinner and for some reason a larger nose. I even laughed at the shooting: "What a nightmare! Where did I get such a nose?" Dasha (make-up artist. - Approx. Ed.) Replied that only two parts grow during our lives - this is the nose and the ears. Of course, during this experiment I learned some interesting things about makeup. For example, I have always used dry blush, but they seem to only emphasize wrinkles. And Dasha advised cream textures. It was also very interesting for me to learn that such light eyelashes, like mine, need to be painted not only from the inside, but also from the outside - so that it is not visible that they are black only from the bottom.

The editors thank the studio PHOTOPLAY for their help in organizing the shooting.

Watch the video: MakeUp for Older Women: Define Your Eyes and Lips Over 50 (January 2025).

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