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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Brooklyn shop of unusual carpets

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

Many people who grew up in the post-Soviet space dislike carpets - and in vain: they not only look spectacular in a modern interior, but also perform various non-obvious functions such as sound and heat insulation (yes, and the carpet on the wall too). The Heirloom Instagram of the Brooklyn Store ("Family Values") demonstrates the diversity of the beauty of carpets - there are modern pieces of weaving art, and almost museum specimens from Afghanistan, Iran, Japan and South America. The site is touchingly saying that the owner of Heirloom "from childhood was interested in carpets and antiques", which his father was selling, and now "hunts for rare carpets around the world."

If you have a colorful kilim or trellis with a dramatic battle scene, you can look into the Heirloom online store - but be prepared for the fact that the oldest and most beautiful samples cost several thousand dollars. We recommend contacting Heirloom account first of all for carpet inspiration - and look for something like flea markets or mezzanines.

Watch the video: We Tried On 55 PROM DRESSES! (December 2024).

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