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Press full: 20 incomprehensible words from fitness slang

Text: Karina Sembe

Sport has long become an important part of life: Workout uniform has penetrated into street fashion, and in conversations at an exhibition or in a bar, you can hear more and more often words like "hyperextension" and "chitmil." Fitness terms are used not only for the sake of word of mouth: in training programs, all supersets and drop sets, and even the instructions from an aerobics instructor sometimes seem vague. There is a need to find out what the most common words from sports jargon mean. It’s not a fact that amateur bodybuilding jokes about mass gain will now seem ridiculous, but it will surely become clearer what the coach is talking about.

↑ Burpy

Anaerobic load

Exercises with a short-term effort, when energy is generated not by oxygen entering the muscles with blood, but from a supply of “fuel” substances in the muscles. However, after 8-12 seconds, the body begins to use oxygen and the exercise becomes aerobic (hence the popularity of interval anaerobic workouts, in which after each approach there is a rest after 8-20 seconds). Anaerobic exercise prevails in powerlifting, bodybuilding, sprinting, aerobic exercise - in long endurance training, from cycling to training on cardiovascular equipment and aerobics proper.


So called and the simulator in the gym, and a small "home" expander, and the exercise itself with this equipment. The main effort - the reduction of the hands, in which the load occurs on the muscles of the chest and front deltoid muscles.


(English burpee)

This exercise came to the crossfit from the arsenal of American military regulations and in the classical form includes the following sequence: pushing from the floor from the position "bar", "jumping" your knees to the chest, jumping up, again "bar" - and so on to infinity. There are various modifications - without a jump, with twists, etc.


The “weight” of the bar itself is a round plate, which is put on the neck and secured with a lock. Advanced bodybuilders and powerlifters use ram bars: string some pancakes and thus regulate weight.


(English gain - get, receive)

The product of sports nutrition with a high content of carbohydrates (simple or complex) and some protein, which is used to gain muscle mass: carbohydrates - the best fuel for physical exertion in the gym, and protein - an indispensable building material for muscle growth.

↑ Delta


Exercise for the development of muscles - straighteners back, and gluteus muscles and hip flexors. A person lays his stomach on the simulator, the feet are fixed under special rollers; In turn, the body is tilted down and raised up to a position in which the body will be a straight line.


The slang name of the deltoid muscles - the superficial muscles of the shoulder - comes from the similarity of the triangular muscle with the Greek letter Δ (delta). Having in mind the different bunches of deltoids, they say "front", "middle" or "back delta".


Lifting the barbell or dumbbell up with the arms straightened from a standing position, sitting or lying. The press can be carried out from the chest or from the shoulders, in bodybuilding it is used for the development of large and small pectoral muscles, triceps and the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle.


A series of light exercises and stretch marks that complete the workout, sometimes with elements of cardio. With a gradual inhibition of the nervous system and a decrease in heart rate, the exit from the workout occurs smoothly, and stretching helps the “clogged” muscles recover faster due to the normalization of blood supply and reduces pain from the next day’s work.


(eng. crunch)

The fashionable name of the good old exercises for the abdominals came from the English language. The literal meaning of the word crunch is “crackling”, “crunching”, but with the correct technique, neither crunching nor crunching should be accompanied: lifting and / or twisting of the upper case body are performed not by inertia, but due to muscle contraction.

↑ Zamka


If someone tells you that now is “on the ground,” you can safely call her or him for a hearty lunch: during this stage of the training cycle, there is an active set of muscle mass, which is most often accompanied by some gain of adipose tissue - nutrition during this period often characterized by excess calories.


That which is not necessary to bring training, even if the coach advises the opposite. It is about work “against the stop”, that is, until the moment when it seems that the next repetition of the exercise has no forces: the neurons are damaged and lose the ability to transmit the electromechanical impulse. "Failure" training reduces the level of insulin-like muscle growth factor (IGF-1) in the blood plasma, enhances the production of cortisol and in the long run can hit the endocrine and nervous systems.


Dumbbells, barbells, weights - in general, any additional weight, the use of which includes the resistance (tension) of the muscles. The burden is also called "free weight".


(eng. pump - pump up)

Functional interval training with a power bias, popular in fitness clubs, or a series of exercises with a barbell. Depending on the muscle group being worked out, the weight of the bar in pamp aerobics is increased or decreased.


In the world of fitness - a product of sports nutrition based on protein blends, which serves to reduce body fat mass, stimulate muscle growth and maintain physical fitness. Depending on the goals and preferences, they use whey, egg, soy, rice or other protein with different tastes. In addition to protein powder, there are not only bars familiar to everyone, but also protein yogurts, cereals and even ice cream.

↑ burdening


The consistent implementation of two strength exercises, not involving rest between them. Usually, a superset includes basic and isolating exercises for the same muscle group (for example, chest muscles are used during the bench press and arm wrestling), but sometimes it also uses exercises for conditionally opposite groups (back and chest, quadriceps and hind thighs). Triset, respectively, includes three exercises, and a drop-set means several approaches with a gradual reduction in weight.


Stage of the training cycle, during which the athlete gets rid of excess fat and water in the body, seeking the most deep relief of the muscles or weight loss to fall into a given weight category. Drying is considered a serious stress for the body and is contraindicated without the supervision of a qualified trainer and doctor.


Slang name of trapezius muscles located in the back of the neck and upper back. There is even less clear word - "hood".


Means nothing more than weight lifting in various ways. Only within the framework of the deadlift, classical traction, “dead” or Romanian (on straight legs), sumo-style traction (with a wide leg setting) and trap-rod (with a diamond head with parallel handles for grip inside) is distinguished.


(eng. withheating - scam)

Technique in bodybuilding and powerlifting, in which the weight of the projectile in the positive phase of the movement, that is, in the phase when muscle contraction occurs, moves from the involved (and tired) muscle groups to other, not tired ones. Cheating is also called some “boot days” when the usual amount of calories consumed is 50-70% higher with the goal of “hinting” to the body that it does not need to postpone energy reserves in the form of fat. According to many nutritionists, situational overeating, including chitmyla, do not go to the benefit of the digestive system.

Photo: Nike Pro Bra, Dear Kate / Facebook, Nike / Instagram (1, 2)

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