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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Geographical instagram "Fools and roads"

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

Google is filled with photographs of travelers at the Zhopka, Bukhalovo or Kazly road signs, and all this, of course, is a joke for three hundred. On the other hand, taken together, they form a special and sometimes incomprehensible image of the native land by the mind. By geographic names, it is possible, as if by tree rings, to study how times and culture change: somewhere on the map the “Kadyrov Bridge” almost appeared, and somewhere Revolution Avenue still goes into Lenin Street. Which, of course, does not cancel the Zhopok.

Now all this speaking diversity can be found in the Fools and Roads instagram: an employee of an advertising agency, Maria Konicheva, undertook to collect such names, being inspired by a similar English-language account. “I really love sadtopographies and in general I’m a fan of content instagrams like tindernightmares or quarterlifepoetry. Instagram’s sharpened to beautiful photos and selfies, but it seems to me that it’s great to dilute the tape with something funny and informative, not just endless contouring lessons,” explains Maria. - At some point I thought that the Russian language, topography and various periods of Russian exploration constitute a more diverse account, in which there will be not only sadness and hopelessness. In my opinion, geographic names give a very an interesting look at the development of the country in different historical periods. For example, Soviet utopianism is vivid (names like Red Paradise or Industrial Stream), the influence of languages ​​of various nations (the River Sexy, Lake Divan) and simply the humor of geographers (Napoleon’s Hat). "

The account was thought up by chance, but it also worked out that its creator loves to travel and always paid attention to unusual names (her favorite is Empty Christmas village). For a long time, a lot of "geographic artifacts" have gathered, which I wanted to share, but some of them are sent by subscribers. So subscribe and send.

Watch the video: Instagram playboy is also the vice-president of Equatorial Guinea. The Economist (December 2024).

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