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Editor'S Choice - 2024

"Chemin de Chair": The beauty of the lines of the female body

EVERY DAY PHOTOGRAPHERS AROUND THE WORLD looking for new ways to tell stories or to capture what we previously did not notice. We choose interesting photo projects and ask their authors what they wanted to say. This week is the "Chemin de Chair" series by French photographer Matilda Giron, who showed how beautiful the naked bodies of obese women can be, turning them into abstraction.

The photo was an obvious choice for me, I just followed my wishes, obeyed my instincts. My godson loves photography passionately, and my father is a great artist. I do not know whether the passion for art or the creative spirit is inherited, but the only thing I would like to do in life is to create, observe and share with other people.

The original idea of ​​the "Chemin de Chair" project was to transform a naked body, but not some, but a full woman's body. Show everyone that it can be beautiful and smooth. Gradually, I focused on the bodily aspect more and more, which ultimately led me to the result that you are now watching.

My only difficulty was finding the unobvious curves and lines of the naked body that were right in front of my nose, and all I needed was to just see them. I am immensely grateful to my two models, who were so relaxed in front of the camera. I perceive these photos as naked graphics, but everyone, by virtue of his own imagination, can see what he wants on them. I chose a naked body as a subject because I had never taken it off before. It was my personal test - to show the naked body beautifully and in an original way. Ideally, I would like those who look at these photos to refuse assessments and perceive the body as a visual object only.

Giron mathilde

Watch the video: Stranger Things 3. Official Trailer HD. Netflix (December 2024).

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