QA-engineer Varvara Mizurova on changing jobs and favorite cosmetics
FOR RUBRIC "COSMETIC" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of interesting characters to us - and we show all this to you.
About work and not indifferent
I am a physicist by education, graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. At the age of seventeen I really didn’t want to choose a profession in which I didn’t understand a lot, but I studied at the Physics Department without specialization until the third year. And besides, what kind of profession is a physicist? It is rather a mindset. After university, I stayed in the laboratory part-time as a research assistant. But when in the summer I was turned over to a possible business trip to CERN, I decided to go to testers for three months. The reaction of the supervisor was harsh: "Either you work only for me, or you do not work for me." I chose the office.
When, after three or four months, I got used to change, I realized what a thrill it is, when you come to work on Monday morning and you are not asked: "What are your results, Varvara Alexandrovna?" I don’t remember any weekends or holidays at the time of working in the laboratory that would go without feeling guilty about rest. I considered myself lazy for a long time - due to the fact that I cannot work without lunch, because it is sometimes difficult to cope. I'm glad it went away.
Four years ago I was lucky to meet a great manager. She once said: "You have a very cool trait: you care." Before that, I usually heard that it was necessary “to treat everything easier” and “not to take it personally.” Either she understood that they were trying to hang up duties that were not interesting to me, they say, "who, if not you?" I realized that if this is my strong point, then I should not allow people around to use it without my consent. I am very glad that a person has appeared in my circle, who pushed me to accept myself. It is a pity that not everyone is so lucky.
About long flights
Two and a half years ago, I came to an Asian e-commerce project, where I became involved in automated testing. I had a distributed team of developers and testers, so there were a lot of business trips to Vietnam and China. I can not go anywhere for a long time to work, and then start flying in such a way that there is only a couple of weeks between airplanes. I once thought that in the next forty days I would have nine flights with a total difference of seven hours in all time zones. Now on a business trip I can get together thirty minutes before the arrival of a taxi.
I am not one of those who pour warm sprays in flight and lay with masks on their faces for nine hours. Masks, cleansing and moisturizing, I definitely do before and after the flight. On board, I have a small cosmetic bag, which will definitely have a toothbrush with paste, a sleep mask, washbasin and cream probes, eye drops, hand cream and lip balm. I wash my face closer to the end of the flight. The main thing before leaving the airport in Asia is to remember to apply Sanskrin. Little life hacking: everyone knows that it is impossible to carry more than 100 ml in a hand luggage container with a liquid. But you can take a large empty bottle. Sometimes there is drinking water at the airport - I ask you to fill the bottle already on the plane, because those small portions that are distributed on board are not enough.
About ballet
I do not like sports, in school I had an exemption from physical education due to poor vision. I did not go to yoga for long, but somehow before the next lesson I realized that I wanted to lie down on the floor and beat my legs at the very thought of training. But I love dancing: probably, just because the main goal in them for me was not a toned body, but pleasure. Six months ago, I went to an adult ballet, and it turned out to be akin to meditation. In order to do something right, you need to concentrate as much as possible on your body, movements, rhythm. It turned out that during the hours of classes it is impossible to think about matters. It is very important for me to mentally switch to periods when I work a lot, constantly thinking about some tasks, and in a dream I see work again.
About acne and hardware cosmetology
I have been struggling with acne for about twelve years - and at twenty-two I had a second transitional period. A rash all over the face has led to a dermatologist; after the prescribed ointments, I seemed to wash my face in the sink when washing - I never thought that the skin could hurt so much. Now I go to the beautician for hardware cleaning once every two months, sometimes I experiment with other hardware procedures, I try not to stray from the routine of the house. At the same time, all this does not guarantee "perfect skin".
I came to the beautician after a dermatologist; as a result, she came to the doctor, where I have already been observed for about three years. In addition to the hardware cleaning, I did ELOS, pricking the plasma, after which the inflammations seem to become less, I did the SMAS lifting of the orbital zone - the high of the result. In general, I am very glad that hardware cosmetology is actively developing now, it is becoming available and the rehabilitation period after the procedures is not so long.