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Editor'S Choice - 2024

How to learn new things and change your life for the better

Since school years, autumn is associated with the beginning of our studies - although it is difficult to force yourself to do business and self-development in the dank autumn weather. We have selected ten materials to help you become more productive, gain new knowledge and inspire change.

Library on the couch: 10 tips to help read more

Autumn invariably pulls the book. Nevertheless, desires do not always coincide with the possibilities; many fail to get off the ground when it comes to reading. Someone does not know how to make a choice, someone does not go beyond drawing up a list, and someone just does not find time, being distracted by other things. We have collected some useful tips, following which you learn and love to read regularly.

How to beat fear and speak in a foreign language

Most of us perceive another language as a spacecraft: it is huge and difficult to control, thousands of buttons and levers, intricate mechanisms, and the most complex among them is speech. We think so, because we are talking in real time: you need to respond to the replica immediately, how to take the ping-pong pitch. Of course, this is stressful, but it can be learned. And not just an effort of will, but using specific techniques.

How to beat procrastination: Useful tips

Almost every one of us encountered procrastination - went to instagram instead of writing a diploma, or drank coffee too long and read Facebook on the morning, and eventually was late for work. The good news is that you can fight procrastination: although it seems that we can’t do anything with ourselves, this is far from being the case. We talk about several techniques that will help you get together and finally get down to business.

Knew, but forgot: How to refresh the school curriculum

The farther from the final exams, the worse we remember everything learned in school. At the same time, the school curriculum is the set of knowledge that truly unites the entire population of one country. We have collected eleven sources with which you can refresh in memory a variety of subjects - from algebra to school French - or try yourself in passing the exam on one of the school subjects.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking

The fear of public speaking is a very common phenomenon: it seems there is no such person who would not be worried reading a report or giving a presentation to colleagues. But this fear is quite realistic to win, and the most obvious introvert can become a good orator. We offer 10 life hacking, which will help to cope with the excitement and perform well.

How to maintain productivity: Useful tips and practices

And from a biochemical, and from a psychological point of view, autumn is really difficult for a person - zero mood and apathy also affect performance. We tell how to stay efficient even in the offseason.

How to learn foreign languages ​​for free and without leaving home

Knowledge of a foreign language has long been a pleasant necessity. This is an easy way to increase your professional value. Not to mention the fact that knowing only English, you can safely travel around the world, forgetting about the guides and travel agencies. Thanks to the Internet, you can learn languages ​​today for free (which is more important than ever in a crisis) and not getting up from a comfortable home sofa.

How to use English at work and what mistakes to avoid

Communication in a foreign language is not so scary, even if you do not have a very high level of knowledge. Most of the skills are gained by practicing "in the fields", and not cramming. We talk about the different aspects of professional communication that scare the most, and how to cope with them.

Dear Diary: Writing practices as a way to understand yourself

We all somehow document our life through social networks, blogs, or even personal diaries. Many have heard about the therapeutic effect of the records and think that they know how to conduct it correctly in order to get the most out of intuitive self-analysis. To understand how to start keeping a useful diary, what is the difference between different methods and what rules to follow, so as not to harm ourselves, we have prepared a short certificate.

Why is it time to learn, no matter how old you are

The aphorism "It is never too late to learn" is attributed to Quintillian, a rhetorician of the Roman Empire who lived about two thousand years ago. Nowadays, no one is surprised that common truths, understandable even to our ancestors in the distant past, are still being questioned. We tell why it is worth learning new things at any age.

Photo: Pshenichka - stock.adobe.com, gerrardkop - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: In Order to Change Your Life, YOU NEED TO LEARN THIS FIRST! Eye Opening Speech (December 2024).

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