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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Yutyub matchless colorist Guy Teng

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

Hollywood colorist Guy Teng is a renowned expert on staining, including the most non-standard. In interviews and speeches, he urges not to be afraid of color and experimentation, and on his clients' hair he creates so inspired that any orange shatush or pastel rainbow begins to seem the most natural choice. On his channel, he is happy to demonstrate the workflow, share interesting ideas and jokes a lot. Even if the colored hair is not the limit of your dreams, watching the creation of masterpieces of hairdressing, such as fluorescent coloring or permanent beach waves, is fascinating in itself.

Cover: Guy Tang / Facebook

Watch the video: The channels to whom you should subscribe (April 2024).

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