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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: nixelpixel video blog about feminism and not only

CONTINUE TO TELLabout decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

If you read near-feminist public VKontakte or something else about feminism in Russia, you probably already know Nika Vodvud - she has one of the most popular Russian-language blogs on the subject. If you do not know, it's time to get acquainted: the nixelpixel channel is devoted not only to the theory and practice of feminism (although there are excellent video explanations, for example, about cultural appropriation, abusive relations and bodypositive), but also to many other important or fun things. First of all, this is a personal space in which Nika talks about his experience - be it work, travel, cosmetics or cats, and also writes covers on favorite songs and documents trips to IKEA.

Vodwood has released a comic book about Pösyu - a good dog who is “not afraid of anything but thunderstorms and sachets”, and also drew a lot of illustrations for her own and friendly projects: it is she who will issue an epic textbook on teen sex that Tatiana Nikonova will write during the year .

Nick vodwood

It all started when I, as a student at the Higher School of Economics social school, went to Zhenya Belykh public "The Power of Pussy". This is a very important place on the Internet for many activists. During the night I read almost everything that was there, it was superimposed on sociology, my legs shook, and I realized that I was a feminist. It was about five years ago, since then knowledge has increased in my head, for example, I no longer write that men experience "reverse sexism" (this term is an invention of opponents of feminism, in fact it does not exist). Intersectional feminism keeps pace with modern science (for example, it is transinclusive) and allows you to fully describe the system of discrimination in the world and help all social groups experiencing oppression.

I just like to do different things: shoot a video, write, draw, play on a ukulele - and the channel has no single concept, it’s just a personal video blog. Since I am an intersectional feminist, this is directly reflected in the content of everything I do, including the video. Thanks to the blog, I realized that it is possible to form a good community on the Internet, where everyone is comfortable and pleasant. Firstly, you need to communicate with your audience, and not with someone else (heathers, the state, etc.), and secondly, mercilessly moderate.

I used to work in an advertising agency, but since September I plan to deal only with my own projects (if you want to support me in this, here is a link to Patreon). I will continue to shoot videos, write, draw new comic books about feminism, organize concerts, ride comics and femmes and collaborate with cool guys. By the way, Tanya Nikonova and I raised money for a book about sex for teenagers - I will draw her too.

Watch the video: Внутренний сексизм. nixelpixel (December 2024).

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