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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Project for Parents of LGBT Children Illuminator

IN RUBRIC "IN BOOKMARKS" We talk about websites and online services - both useful and completely useless, but funny and amazing - which, in fact, should be added to favorites or added to the RSS-feed.


May 17 is the International Day for the Fight against Homophobia in the world - this date was chosen because May 17, 1990, homosexuality was excluded from the International Classification of Diseases. In honor of this event, the Illuminator project was launched today - a resource for parents who want to better understand and support their LGBT children.

On the website, you can find small video lectures by experts explaining everything you need to know about sexual orientation and gender identity, and answers to frequently asked questions - for example, can a person be made gay or lesbian, is homosexuality a “norm” and does it work? propaganda "orientation. There you can learn how to build relationships with your child after coming out, and find contacts of organizations that help LGBT people and their families.

Watch the video: The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs Barsoom #2 (April 2024).

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