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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Telegram channel on gender clichés in the media

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

The blog boom in Telegraf continues: not so long ago we wrote about several very interesting channels telling everything - from neurobiology to TV shows. Today we recommend the blog "Daughter of the Robber" on the manifestations of sexism in the Russian press. The channel with the ironic address "megabitch" was invented by journalist Nastya Krasilnikova, deputy editor-in-chief of Poster Daily. As she promises, "here will appear links to those materials in women's gloss, which seemed to me, Nastya Krasilnikova, to be misogynistic."

It’s easy to guess why such a blog is needed: for the most part, harmful gender stereotypes continue to reign in modern Russian gloss, which are usually taken for granted and maintained by inertia. It is necessary to pay attention to them and criticize: only in this way at least something begins to change for the better - and then, you see, a wondrous new world will come unnoticed when no one would think to make a listing of "15 questions that men never answer honestly" . Nastya Krasilnikova is closely watching what is happening on the websites of lifestyle magazines and examines the most glaring examples: from the notorious columns of Allure Deputy Editor Alexei Belyakov about how women should behave to the selection "What he found in her: famous men who are not in love with beauties "who promotes Lukizm, and not a variety of beauty and breadth of views (as the editorial board might think).

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