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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Beyonce Merchandise lineup for the album "Lemonade"

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Beyoncé has released a new line of clothing and accessories dedicated to the "Lemonade" audiovisual album - the collection includes sweatshirts, hoodie, caps, body, bags, stripes and iPhone cases with funny prints and life-affirming inscriptions like "Hold Up" and "Boy Bye" . Things adorn the recognizable images associated with "Lemonade": Emoji, depicting a singer with a baseball bat in a yellow dress from the track "Hold Up", and cute illustrations with lemons. The set of stripes contains all the symbols dear to the heart of a real Beyonce fan: lemon, bat, bee, the inscriptions "Boy Bye", "Lemonade" and "Hot Sauce".

On the singer's website you can pre-order (the package will be delivered in September), prices range from $ 25 for a phone case to 60 for hoodie. Delivery to Russia will cost another $ 25, so it makes sense to team up with friends and make a big order for everyone.

PHOTO: shop.beyonce.com

Watch the video: When Beyonce Drops an Album (January 2025).

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