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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Willem Dafoe discusses his teeth in the video of Grigory Dobrygin

Russian actor and director Grigory Dobrygin shot the short film "Mind the Gap", which was played by Willem Dafoe. For two and a half minutes, Defoe articulates with tenderness about the gaps between his teeth and confesses his love: "Gaps are openness, new opportunities, a source of pleasure."

“If you are an actor, you use yourself as a material for work, so everything here is to a certain extent personal,” said Defoe’s short film. “My father really spoke to me about the advantages of the gaps between his teeth and spoke about“ air cooling ”, which he and my teeth have. "

Dobrygin and Defoe met on the set of the film “The Most Dangerous Man” by Anton Corbijn. The short film "Mind the Gap" was first presented at the charity auction "Auction!", Where it was sold for 100 thousand dollars.

Watch the video: Willem Dafoe in "Mind the Gap" (April 2024).

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