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"Wrong" pleasure: What is myotonic orgasm

I experienced myotonic orgasm for the first time at the age of sixclimbing a tightrope at a home sports complex. Up until the end of school and departure from the parental home, this was my main masturbation technique. As I later learned from scientific articles, my experience is not a single one.

A myotonic orgasm can be experienced by performing strength exercises, practicing on a log or a pole, and some women will simply have to squeeze their hips tightly. Moreover, if you drive a "myotonic orgasm" into Google, it turns out that many Russian doctors treat it at best with caution, and sometimes they are presented as "harmful." A couple of years ago, the president of the Professional Association of Sexology Doctors even proposed banning Russian schoolgirls from climbing a tightrope, as in the future this would allegedly prevent "living a normal sex life."

Masturbation and sport

Myotonic, or myocompression, is called an orgasm, which is achieved through the tension of the muscles of the hips, the press and the pelvis. According to research data, about 10% of women regularly masturbate by squeezing their hips or crossing their legs. Some may squeeze a pillow or other soft objects between their legs, as well as additionally stimulate the perineum. If from such actions it is possible to get a sexual discharge - then this is myotonic orgasm.

A separate subtype of myotonic orgasm - the so-called Korgasm - is associated with fitness. Korgasm can occur when you squat, do deadlifts, twisting, lifting legs and other exercises that use the core muscles. An orgasm from practicing on a rope or a log is also a corgasm, like an orgasm from riding a bicycle (in this case, the seat also stimulates the vulva). A distinctive feature of corgasma is that it is not related to sexual practice and is not intentional.

How does corgasm work? "Korgasm happens from intense increase in blood flow in the lower abdomen, pelvis and inner thighs," sexologist Jenny Russell explains in general terms. In the book "The Corgasm Workout," researcher Debbie Herbenick writes that the mechanisms of this have not yet been studied, but it is assumed that it can be associated with dopamine and endorphins, which are produced during cardiovascular disease, as well as with blood flow to the pelvic organs in including clitoris.

Although the orgasm from fitness is known at least since the middle of the last century, it was first investigated in 2011 at Indiana University. Debbie Herbenik gathered 370 women from 18 to 63 years old, who already had to experience corgasma or just sexual pleasure during sports. The scientist notes that almost four hundred of the subjects were able to be found in just five weeks - which already suggests that there are quite a few women prone to corgas. During the ninety days of the experiment, 51.4% of the participants reported having experienced an orgasm from abdominal exercises, 26.5% from participants from exercising with weights, 20% from practicing yoga, 15.8% from cycling, 13, 2% - while jogging, 9.6% - while practicing race walking. Debbie Herbenik believes that thanks to the study of the "non-sex" orgasm, scientists will be able to learn more about the physiological processes that underlie female pleasure.

In Russia, only vaginal

If you have determined that myotonic orgasm is your case, and you want to get additional information on the Russian-language Internet, be careful. For example, only the first page of Google gives the following: "Unfortunately, many women only have a myotonic orgasm," writes sexologist Andrei Bulakh, predicting that "a woman who is not interested in sex" will experience "guilt before a partner" themselves "inferior" and avoid proximity, "so as not to receive confirmation of their inferiority once again."

"Of course, vaginal orgasm during sexual intercourse is an absolute normalization, as sexual intercourse is included in the sexual scenario of all sexually full men," the assistant professor of sexology at St. Petersburg Mapo said, referring to the fact that "men with phallocentric attitudes are not affectionate, but solely on intercourse. " Other sexologists report that "myotonic orgasm can lead to a lack of orgasm during sexual intercourse," recommending to abandon "the current practice of masturbation" and "pre-train the erogenous zones available for men (and for themselves)."

Radically speaks of myotonic orgasm and Yevgeny Kulgavchuk, author of the anecdotal proposal to ban the ropes in schools. Kulgavchuk considers myotonic masturbation as “interfering with normal sex life”, fraught with “family disharmonies, disappointments”, “reproaches, betrayals”. "A woman who has not known an orgasm with a man can imitate him all his life and not know the joy of full intimacy. A man may think that his woman does not like him because she does not receive satisfaction from him. She can start complexes, and in turn, STOSN can develop, and so on, "the doctor paints a grim picture. Unfortunately, these are not the isolated opinions of individual doctors - many other sexologists express themselves in a similar vein.

If you believe this kind of specialists, "normal" is only one kind of sex - heterosexual genital. Other practitioners (even for heterosexual couples) are apparently not considered by these doctors to be equivalent. They also forget that the ability to experience an orgasm is only one part of the sexual life - you should not devalue the importance of practices that are pleasant to a couple, but do not lead to the indispensable relaxation. It is indicative that classic patriarchal attitudes, which refer primarily to male comfort, complete the reflection: "for all sexually full men", "guilty in front of a partner", "it is better to train the erogenous zones available for men (and for themselves)." It turns out that a woman is responsible for his way of getting pleasure in front of a man.

"Wrong" orgasm

Such an attitude of some specialists to myotonic orgasm can be considered a peculiar feature of Russian sexology. For example, masturbation with compressed hips, leading to myotonic orgasm, Russian sexologists are often called "maladaptive" - ​​while in Western sexology this term is almost never used. "In most of the English-language studies that I read, the adaptability criterion was really not used - there I did not come across the concept of 'maladaptive' masturbation. In the Russian sexual discourse, everything is different," says Maria Davoyan, a psychologist, SexEducation-expert.

In Russian sexology, “maladaptive” refers to this method of receiving pleasure, which is “not reproducible in real sexual intercourse”. The problem is that by “real sexual intercourse” by default is meant only one kind of sex - genital heterosexual sex with penetration. In this case, of course, sex is not only heterosexual, and heterosexual sex can be not only genital. Moreover, people can use different sexual practices, and if one of them (genital or any other kind of sex) does not lead to orgasm, it can be used simply as a supplement (and for someone else - and not at all).

"" Non-adaptive "male masturbation refers to what interferes with the man himself - for example, when he chooses to replace significant matters with masturbation. At the same time, female" non-adaptive "masturbation is considered to be that, conventionally speaking," wean "a woman to experience orgasm from penetrating vaginal sex ", - commented Maria Davoyan. For world sexology, the division of orgasms into types is only conventionality, but in the Russian tradition any non-vaginal stimulation is considered "non-adaptive" - ​​and self-stimulation with a jet of water from the shower, and friction on the surface, and anal stimulation. “Fortunately,” says Davoyan, “not all sexologists in Russia use the concept of maladaptive masturbation. Those who read relevant articles in English and constantly improve their level of knowledge while remaining on the wave, are not inclined to use these terms.”

Sexologist Daria Berger agrees: “I consider the term“ maladaptive masturbation ”irrelevant primarily because it creates a split in the mind of a woman: there is“ normal ”masturbation (actions that are reproducible during vaginal heterosexual contact) and“ abnormal ”. And if a woman practices that which is called “non-adaptive masturbation", she may think that something is wrong with her and something needs to be corrected. This creates a deep sense of inner dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with herself, thus ko intensifying internal conflict. If a woman very happy with everything, the need to change something just do not. "

Respect for the body

Building relationships with myotonic orgasm (as with any other), it is first of all logical to proceed from the personal needs and actual sexual practices of a particular woman. Another thing is that in the present conditions it can be really difficult for a woman not to confuse her desires with the desires of a partner, a doctor, or public attitudes.

Myotonic orgasm may remain the only way of sexual discharge, and maybe one of them - it all depends on the individual characteristics at the moment. There is no reliable data on whether it is possible to “learn” a myotonic orgasm - but it is possible to “develop” sensitivity to other forms of stimulation besides myotonic one. But, of course, it is hardly a good idea to do this out of a sense of guilt or a feeling of “inferiority”.

Berger explains: “It is possible to develop other zones, not out of necessity, but out of pleasure, interest, the desire to know yourself and your body. Standard bodily practices will more likely help you to get acquainted with your sensuality and sensitivity than to have an orgasm in a certain" normal "way." At the same time, the choice of myotonic orgasm, as well as the forms of sex and masturbation associated with it, should definitely be considered equivalent. Sexual practices are infinite, and every woman has the right to enjoy, regardless of her physiological characteristics.

Photo:lamyai - stock.adobe.com (1, 2, 3, 4)

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