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Editor'S Choice - 2024

The logist of the Moscow Zoo Dasha Goryanina about favorite cosmetics

FOR THE FACE "HEAD" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of interesting characters to us - and we show all this to you.

About make-up

I and makeup is not very interesting. I work in a zoo, and in my free time I transfer books and play “What? Where? When?”. In practice, this means that I sit a lot at the computer or run between the enclosures (for example, in the rain) - scarlet lipstick or arrows in such circumstances can hardly survive. If you wish, I can easily draw myself eyes in the spirit of the Cold Faith, but that's the desire and the occasion happen several times a year. Usually, I draw on myself a healthy complexion and eight hours of sleep. However, dark and bright lipstick still love that.

I enjoy reading various cosmetic blogs. There, especially in the beloved Into the Gloss, the heroines are mainly divided into two groups: the first say they don’t paint at all ("I would take only eyelash curlers and a yoga mat on a deserted island!"), And the second tell That cosmetics for them - a tool for creativity. I have to admit that both of these worthy approaches are not close to me: I rarely leave the house without makeup, but I am not at all interested in experiments - I’m basically a rather tedious person and prefer repetitive actions. In my opinion, make-up should bring joy, so every day I gladly dye sitting by the window in a large old chair; on the windowsill there is a mirror, glasses with brushes and a large basket with cosmetics. This is what, and I have a lot of brushes.

About care

Care is another thing: abundance reigns in my bathroom. First, it is beautiful, and secondly, the rituals give life a pleasant structure. All these morning and night creams, tonics and masks - at thirty years old I was still convinced that living with a good tonic is much better than without it, and the skin has confirmed it. Thirdly, maybe someday I will be grateful to myself for this fuss. Take away the soul on the bright nail polish. Seven years ago, I read Moore Sobolev's epic text on hand care and realized that I would always do this. Since then, probably, there will not be a couple of weeks that I would spend without a manicure. If you do it all the time, then it takes quite a bit of time, and it’s also very nice: a glass of wine, a show and fine motor skills.

There is reason to believe that I won the genetic lottery - in any case, according to my parents, it is clear that it is not customary to grow old in our family. I have never been to a cosmetologist in my life, I smoke, do not play sports and almost never get enough sleep. However, on my side that I am fanatically using caring cosmetics, I sincerely like simple healthy food (broccoli, for example) and drink a lot of water. Oh, and I'm also a happy person. I think that in the final analysis only this is important.

About fragrances

Once I discovered the world of niche perfumery, and that was the end of a peaceful life. It happened to me more than once to buy a bottle of perfume for some indecent money, and then take a penny to my salary. Aromas create mood and bring other versions of you to life: it’s obvious that wet people and currants or warm skin and amber smell different people. Over time, the period of mad gathering was over, now there are a couple of dozen scents at home, and they are suitable for almost all occasions. But, to be honest, for complete happiness, I always miss one more bookcase and one more bottle of perfume.

Watch the video: Visit to Moscow Zoo (May 2024).

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