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My self-defense: How and how to protect yourself from attack

WE FREQUENTLY TALK ABOUT THE PROBLEM OF VIOLENCE - both home and street. And although in most cases women are victims of abuse by acquaintances, attacks on the street, unfortunately, are also not uncommon. Contrary to stereotypes, universal rules and a single "safety technique" that will help to avoid violence, does not exist, and women, regardless of their appearance, style of clothes and time of day, are at risk. We have already written about the methods of self-defense and its permissible boundaries - but in many cases it is impossible to defend oneself from the attacker without the use of special means.

It is important to understand that often the use of self-defense can turn against the defender himself, and in many cases also lead to serious legal consequences. Think of the cases of Alexandra Ivannikova and Tatiana Andreeva - both women used a knife to defend themselves against men who tried to rape them. The attackers died, and criminal proceedings were instituted against women — the case of Ivannikova was eventually closed, and Andreev was sentenced to prison. We understand how to use the means of self-defense to avoid such consequences - and which of them should not be used in principle.

Pepper spray cans

Some means of self-defense (for example, a traumatic gun) require a special license - others can be bought without special documents. One of the most popular means for which no permission is needed is a gas cartridge: it is considered effective and inexpensive. The subject does not take up much space (the minimum volume balloon fits in your pocket), and in order to use it, no special skills are needed - although some advise you to practice with the training. It is important to understand that the spray can only temporarily disable the attacker - and thus give you the opportunity to escape from danger. Spray can cause tears, burning, coughing, difficult breathing, but will not cause the attacker more serious harm.

Despite the seeming simplicity, when choosing a can you need to consider a few nuances. All cylinders are divided into several types depending on the type of spraying of the caustic liquid. The main ones are aerosol and jet. The first ones are good because they are sprayed with a cloud into which several attackers can hit at once, it creates a veil between the aggressors and the victim. Their main danger is that a gust of wind can send a cloud in the face of the defender himself, or simply carry it away from the attacker. In a closed space, such as an elevator or car, an aerosol can also turn against the defender: there is a great risk of breathing.

With the help of jet cylinders you can attack the attacker's eyes, and you can use them in confined spaces, and in windy weather. On the other hand, jet cylinders are applied pointwise: if there are several attackers, they cannot be reached with one touch of a button, and if the aggressor, for example, wears glasses, they can become a serious obstacle. Spray cans can be used from a far distance than aerosols, but this requires some precision. There is also an "intermediate" option - spray cans with spray mist.

The organizer of the protective group "Shogun" notes that it is necessary to pay attention not only to the type of spraying, but also to the composition of funds in cylinders. They include irritants - substances that cause short-term irritation of the respiratory tract, eyes and sometimes skin. Means marked "OC" (oleoresin capsicum), better known as "pepper vodka", are based on the extract of a burning variety of red pepper. A person who has fallen into their zone of action immediately immediately involuntarily closes his eyes, and a strong cough and spasms in the throat begin. The duration of exposure may be high, up to 30-40 minutes, but it depends on the concentration of irritant.

Another popular substance in the composition of the cylinders - the IPC. This is a synthetic analogue of OC; it is believed that he acts softer, but also effective. Marking "CS" on the cartridge implies tear gas - but here it must be taken into account that a person in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication will be less sensitive to the components of such a cartridge. Therefore, the organizer of the protective group "Shogunate" recommends the use of funds, based on a mixture of components: CS and red pepper.

Since they always attack suddenly, in a situation of threat, in a dangerous area or in the late evening, they are advised to keep the can ready - hold it in your palm. It is necessary to act quickly: after the application, there is not much time left to run away or to neutralize the attacker in other ways. We must not forget that a small volume of cartridges is a disposable tool.

Stun Gun

Another popular self-defense is the stun gun. He also does not require permission - however, the most powerful of them are forbidden to sell to civilians. The most common stun guns are of two types: contact and shooting. The first ones look like an electric razor - they need to be attached to the attacker and hold for a few seconds for them to work. The advantage of contact shockers is that they can be used in a confined space, such as an elevator or car. But there are drawbacks: it can be more difficult to apply them in winter due to thick outerwear. Shocking shockers look like a pistol: when a cartridge is fired, two harpoon electrodes fly out, which cling to the attacker's clothes and transfer the discharge. They can be used from a far distance - but you need to accurately hit the target. The size of the power of the shocker does not depend. In addition, you need to remember that the device runs on batteries - and the charge level should be monitored.

In most cases, a stun gun causes short-term cramps and pain, but does not cause serious harm to health - but there are exceptions. According to cardiologist Vasily Ivanov, a stun gun is dangerous for people with heart disease, especially if a person uses a pacemaker: the equipment will fail when exposed to an electrical discharge. The consequences can be tragic - up to instant death. But in other cases it is impossible to completely exclude possible risks for the attacker: according to the cardiologist, the discharge can cause problems with the rhythm - this can lead to cardiac arrest, even if the person was healthy. All this is important to take into account that self-defense does not lead to legal problems already for the one who defends.

Traumatic pistol

Traumatic pistol - a more serious means of self-defense. Unlike military weapons, it should not inflict serious wounds on a person — such a weapon fires rubber bullets (sometimes with a metal core), light-noise or signal cartridges. All of them are divided into two conditional groups: tubeless pistols and traumatic weapons, made on the basis of a combat pistol by replacing spare parts.

The storage and use of a traumatic weapon requires a special permit, for which you will have to make an effort: to complete a training course, the results of which are waiting for the exam. The course will tell you how to properly use and safely store a traumatic weapon, as well as how to provide first aid for injuries from it. To obtain a license, you will have to go through a medical commission and pay the state duty - it is valid for five years, and three months before it ends, the license must be renewed. Keep a traumatic weapon must be in the safe, the presence of which must be checked by the police.

It is important to understand that shooting on courses is not taught, and the possession of a traumatic gun does not guarantee that in a stressful situation you can correctly use it for self-defense - do not inflict serious damage on the attacker, but at the same time stop him from further actions. Tight clothing reduces the effect of shooting; besides, the traumatic weapon is not harmless: getting into the head can kill a person, which will lead to legal problems for the defender.

Brass knuckles

Many at the thought of self-defense come to mind brass knuckles - but not everyone knows that it is included in the list of weapons, the circulation of which is legally prohibited in Russia, since it is referred to cold weapons. For the illegal sale of brass knuckles (this is not only sale, but also, for example, cases when cold arms are presented), criminal liability is provided - as well as for their illegal manufacture, so that, for example, you can receive correctional work or a prison sentence for using homemade brass knuckles. For the acquisition and wearing of brass knuckles the punishment will be milder: there is not criminal, but administrative responsibility.


Many victims of assault and violence use knives as a means of self-defense. Choosing a knife, it is important to bear in mind that many of them can be attributed to melee weapons - and for them no less strict responsibility awaits them than in the case of brass knuckles. When you buy a knife, you should be given a paper in the store, stating why this particular product does not belong to melee weapons. It is necessary to pay attention to the length of the blade, the characteristics of steel and other details. It is important to understand that the knife is not the best means of self-defense for many reasons: it cannot be used in the far distance, the attacker can continue the attack, even if he was fatally wounded - and you are unlikely to have knife fighting skills. In addition, as in the cases of Alexandra Ivannikova and Tatiana Andreeva, using a knife for self-defense can lead to serious legal consequences for the victim herself.

Lawyer Alexey Parshin, who conducted the case of Alexandra Ivannikova, notes that practically any thing can become a means of self-defense. The question is not in the use of this or that object — even a nail file, a stick or a stone can become a necessary defense — but in how the matter will be qualified by the court. The principle of proportionality plays an important role here: defense must correspond to an attack, except when it is attacked unexpectedly and there is a threat to the life of the defender. Since proportionality is a rather abstract concept, and the law does not contain specific indications of the admissibility of certain means, each case is considered individually.

“In itself, the use of self-defense means in the relevant situation is not fraught with anything,” the lawyer notes, “but the judges do not always correctly qualify cases. Thus, using a prohibited means in self-defense, whether it is an illegal firearm or self-made weapon, but in fact it influences. It is also important to pay attention to how the means were used: when using a traumatic weapon, you should take into account the firing distance and the part of the body to which the shot is directed. ayuschim obtain a license for a traumatic gun, of course, explain how to use weapons, that it does not lead to death. But the real danger of the situation to calculate your shot up to a millimeter is impossible. " The lawyer also says that in addition to this, the court takes into account other circumstances - for example, there is a speech about domestic conflict or a street attack - and many nuances: for example, was the object used for self-defense brought with you, found on site or taken from the attacker .

The most serious consequences that self-defense can entail - actions of the defender qualify as killing or intentionally causing grievous bodily harm. So, at first, the case of Alexandra Ivannikova, whose interests Aleksey Parshin represented in court, was considered as intentional infliction of death (that is, murder), but in the end it was discontinued. Another defendant of Alexey Parshin, Tatiana Kudryavtseva, was in a similar situation. A woman was attacked in the forest, a man tried to rape her. Defending, Tatiana used a penknife - the blow fell in the region of the heart, which led to the death of the attacker. At first, the woman was accused of murder, but then they stopped the case, recognizing her actions as necessary self-defense.

“The use of a knife is permissible not only when the attacker himself uses cold weapons, that is, the means are commensurate, but also if the aggressor exceeds his physical strength or attackers by several,” the lawyer notes. Here, according to the lawyer, the woman has even more chances for a successful outcome of the case: the disparity of physical forces is more obvious.

According to Alexey Parshin, the main risks of self-defense are related to the fact that law enforcement bodies stubbornly refuse to recognize the right to necessary defense for a person - they see deliberate acts in almost everything, especially if the parties knew each other before: “The colonies are full of women who endured domestic violence, and at some point they could not stand it and, in an attempt to protect themselves, often in the heat of passion, killed or injured a domestic tyrant. "

Nevertheless, he notes that the situation, albeit with difficulty, begins to change in favor of the defenders: “Legal thought does not stand still: in scientific and legislative circles there is a discussion of the possibility of canceling the article for exceeding the necessary self-defense. Lawyers assume that an attack almost always happens unexpectedly, which means that a person doesn’t have time to assess the situation. Being in a state of shock and protecting his life and health, a person is ready to defend himself by any means and objects. Niya all actions and their consequences, he has no opportunity. "

Photo: Mace (1, 2), Popova Olga - stock.adobe.com, schab - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: How to Defend Against a Knife Attack with Nick Drossos (January 2025).

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