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Editor'S Choice - 2024

The creators of "Star Wars" told the true story of the appearance of porg

The creators of the film "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" told the real story of the gangs - touching sea birds living on the planet Ech-To. As you know, filming took place on the Irish island-cliff Skellig Michael, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are also other winged inhabitants - dead ends. As the creator of porgs Lant Davis said, it was strictly forbidden to touch the dead ends, and it was impossible to ignore them, so they and the team did not invent anything better than drawing other big-eyed creatures over them. “Removing dead ends with the help of special programs is difficult and would require great effort. Therefore, we thought:“ Cool, why don't we come up with our own inhabitants of the island then? ”The dead ends had a great influence on us,” he said. So now you can safely say that porgies exist - only without the “digital costumes”.

 Cover: Lucasfilm Animation

Watch the video: PBS Kids Originals DreamWorks Animation All Creators of Logos (December 2024).

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