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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Hashtag of the day: hairylegsclub - in support of unshaven legs

EVERY DAY ON THE INTERNET SOMETHING IS GOING ON: someone releases clips, someone launches hashtags, and someone says smart (or not) things - and we focus on the most important or just curious.


Discussion of body hair continues to fall on the pages of publications. Not so long ago, models Gigi Hadid and Lourdes Leon showed unshaven armpits in advertising campaigns, the brand Billie shot a life-affirming video in which she did not persuade customers to get rid of hair, and blogger and founder of the website Man Repeller Leander Medin, for example, caused a storm in social networks with which has visible hairs on her feet.

If you are not indifferent to this topic either, go to instagram - a whole movement unfolds in support of accepting the features of the body. Women post their photos, accompanying the hashtag #hairylegsclub and honest stories about how their relationship with the hair on their legs.

Watch the video: #hashtag해시태그: GIRL'S DAY걸스데이 I miss you보고싶어 ENGJPNCHN SUB (December 2024).

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