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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Pink Jacquemus Apron

WONDERZINE talks about beautiful, functional or strange things that you want to buy immediately.

Such a concise and geometric mini-dress of bright pink color, resembling an apron in shape, could only be created by the most charming young French brand Jacquemus. Wear it should be paired with white sneakers and visor (as in the designer’s advertising campaign). It should be noted that it was not by chance that Simon Port Jakmus arranged a display of the spring-summer collection among slot machines: this frivolous thing you want to wear in frivolous circumstances - at a party, in a park, on the beach, eating ice cream. The role models in these cases can be the main heroines of 2014, Jennifer Lawrence and Tilan Blondeau - la femme enfante.

And the most important thing. If earlier Simon Port Jacqumous's things had to be searched in the Dover Street Market, Opening Ceremony or ordered from the La Garconne online store, then from this week you can buy them in Moscow in the Wood Wood corner in Tsvetnoy, on the 3rd floor. Mark was finally bought by Russian buyers.



Watch the video: Chum lehab othawa gulabi. Gulabi honthwali. Maheshwar Chauhan (December 2024).

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