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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Heroine Wonderzine talk about relationships with the body and beauty

Every Friday we publish editions of the "Cosmetic Bag" category.where the heroes and heroines of Wonderzine share their thoughts about beauty and talk about their favorite cosmetics. This year we began to ask people more often not only about the secrets of well-being, but also about difficulties in relations with our own body, eating disorders and mental states. Show the ten best "Cosmetic" this year.

Zhenya Zubov

Hair stylist

It is important for me that the products are interesting not only with fragrances and textures, but also look good. It is also important that the cans have a story. Some products are marked with a pink ribbon - this means that part of the money received from sales goes to help fight breast cancer.

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Alexandra Sheveleva

Curly blogger

I do not know if I am beautiful or not - this question is not on my agenda. But, probably, so beautiful as in ten years, I don’t already consider myself. This is some kind of magical age full of contentment. My daughter will soon be ten, and she is also sincerely confident in her own perfection.

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Anya Zenkovich

Cyber ​​aura

Fat people, especially women, often have to hide their lifestyle, lie that he is "healthier than it seems"; I want to emphasize that I use the word "fat" as a neutral description of the appearance and I think that there is nothing offensive about it

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Sonya Borisova

The artist

Of course, I still eat chocolate, rolls and pizza, but I do it less often and more meaningfully. I really want to emphasize that this is my way and lifestyle in which I feel comfortable now: I respect other people and their life, never climb into someone else's plate of moralizing

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Lucy Andreeva

Brand Designer A027

Now, for example, to restore balance, I began to go to a psychotherapist: we regularly monitor my diet and mood throughout the day. It seems to me that the ability to work with emotions is the best self-care.

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Laysa Tsagarova

Store Manager "Chuk and Geek"

Feeling "myself" I'm still learning. I would like to wake up one day and accept myself without amendments to “You are beautiful, but non-standard,” without “You are a big girl,” without “Are you half a Chechen? How exotic.” I will never forget the damn kindergarten, where I was denied the role of Cinderella for all these reasons

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Yang Ge

Actress and singer

I do not paint brightly in order to attract someone - all the more it seems to me that men do not like purple and blue lipsticks very much. In Moscow, in general, they like to say something like “it is impossible to walk like this”, and in China it is difficult to face a similar attitude. Go as you like, everything is fine, no one drives

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Masha Bogatova


Since I have a small mouth, the easiest way to balance my nose was to enlarge my lips. So at twenty-three, I did the first injection. After the procedure, I felt so happier and more confident in myself! It's cool that we have a choice: many of these things are available, they are not very expensive, and it’s not difficult to find a specialist.

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Sofya Dzhunshin An

Cultural studies

Now my every journey on the subway turns into a political gesture. With a steel face, I show people that there are different faces and nationalities, genders and builds. I like to play on a combination of feminine elements and something that doesn’t "have to" be combined with this femininity. My friend Pasha calls it aesthetic terrorism.

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Katya Grishunina

An employee of the "Need help"

In Russia, courage is often condemned and everything ends with bulling, but bright make-up or flashy clothes are not an invitation to rape or harassment. Therefore, I am always very happy to see people on the street who immediately catch the eye with their views - Moscow lacks relaxation, for example, Berlin

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Watch the video: КАК ЗАЛИНА СЕЛА НА РЕКЛАМНОЕ ЛИЦО REEBOK (December 2024).

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