A bucket of chicken wings that prints polaroids? O_o
KFC's famous chicken fast food chain wants us to remember every wing or strip eaten: fast food - quick photo. To its 60th anniversary, the Canadian network division decided to release a miracle of technology, disguised as the usual corporate "basket." In fact, this is a double bottom bucket in which a polaroid card printer is hidden. Meet the "Bucket of Memory" (even we could not have come up with a name better).
Unfortunately, the editors' timid hope that the superbedro can be used as a spy gadget did not materialize - for some reason no one guessed to build a camera into it. Instead, you will have to act in the old fashioned way: get a smartphone, pose, try to hit the button with a fat finger and only then send it to print. Our favorite item, of course, is the last. "Mom, I’ll call you back in five minutes, I can’t talk now, I’m setting up a bluetooth connection with a bucket." And all for the sake of photography, where you eat 25 chicken wings on the couch. Ooook.
Unfortunately, the bucket will be released in limited editions and will get only the lucky ones. We look forward to the details and photo reports.