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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Singer Syuyumbike Davlet-Kildeeva about favorite cosmetics

For category "Cosmetic" we study the contents of beauty cases, dressing tables and cosmetic bags of interesting characters to us - and we show all this to you.

About make-up and age

I remember that I really waited for the day when I could start painting. I still could not understand at what age it was normal to do it, and was closely watching a beautiful girl from my school. She was a year older. It seems that she made her debut in the eighth grade, and I understood - hurray, it remains a year to wait and you can start.

I experimented with my mother’s ballet foundation “Ballet” and still remember him with a shudder. When I began to indulge in makeup, I was very beautiful, let's say, bright: in the photographs of that time I am fourteen, and I look at all thirty. Now I’m just thirty, and now I want to look like fourteen. On the fourth ten it is not enough to make up your lips and wash your hair to look fresh. Now it is important to get enough sleep, to go on vacation in time, to go for a massage, in a spa and to a psychotherapist.

Nevertheless, I love cosmetics, especially decorative. With the departure, I do not bother too much, I smear my face with the fact that my mother brings from near and far abroad. I have good genetics: both mom and grandmother look much younger than their years, this is inherent in Asians, in principle, so I don’t expect any problems in this regard. I look at my contemporaries with enthusiasm for Botox, hyaluronic acid and all kinds of facelifts without enthusiasm, but who am I to blame?

About hair and outsource

I love face masks, my friend and I used to even run the Alcoholic Beauty blog, where we tested new items from the Girlfriend store and picked up an ideally suited alcoholic drink for them.

In my design, I see two problem points that require special attention: facial skin prone to rashes and curly hair. Acne is best avoided by avoiding alcohol, salicylic acid solution, Lush masks, skin vitamins, strong foundation, concealer and powder. Hair help shampoo from Israel (that's where they know about curls), conditioner and refusal to comb.

Before important events, I still go to fit specialists, it is not always possible to bite the hair itself. Over the years, I had to give my nails to the outsourcing, I used to be proud of my huge collection of varnishes of the craziest colors, but now I don’t have enough time for it. This week, for the first time, I even gave my eyebrows in the wrong hands and was pleased with the result. I love when make-up artists paint me - before shooting or concerts, I immediately feel like a star.

About self-love

And yet, I am sure that the most important thing is inside. I noticed, for example, that when I am in a toxic relationship, my skin deteriorates dramatically, and I look worse and worse, and when I get out of them, as soon as a month later, acne goes away, the gained weight leaves and the eyes shine. In the matter of making myself ideal for me, no matter how it sounded, women with a beard. We recently made a video about them, and their freedom and self-love really impressed me.

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