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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Ariel Pink fell under the hand of a feminist

Thanks to the amazing world around that delivers material for our What you create column every day. This time Ariel Pink became the newsmaker, the star of the American low-fay and the favorite of world music critics. Unexpectedly for himself, the musician opened up about the incident a year ago, from which he emerged as a physically defeated "feminist" (this is his definition, we have nothing to do with it). The revelation happened on the YouTube show of the actress and blogger Alexi Vasser, "Alexi in Bed", whose name literally describes the setting in which the meetings with the guests take place. Thanks to Vasser’s direct manner, chilling details came out into the light: embarrassed and sincerely perplexed, Pink told about the failed one-night stand, where everything went wrong at once, but ended in complete failure and pepper spray in the face.

In short, the plot is as follows: the hero meets a girl at a party, takes her home, instead of hectic sex all night long discusses her relationship with her father (wtf?), Brings breakfast in the morning, tries to pay, receives a scandal, shouts, scuffles, broken windows in response in the car, the label "unfinished Kurt Cobain", generous zilch from the gas spray in the face and the inscription "Shit" on the hood. A good example for both sexes is how: a) casual relationships can result in the devil — and b) don't react to male old-fashionedness, even if you whole-heartedly believe in the right of a woman to pay for her smoothie and not have sex on the first and last date.

But there is also good news confirming our guess that the musicians are people too: Pink admitted that he was happy to go home with a girl who had no idea who he was and perceived him as just a piece of meat (quote). And he self-ironically remarked that when he is called a genius, it usually means an idiot. Normal guy, in general - do not hit him, girls. Better wash his head.

Watch the video: Woman punched 39 times in Planet Fitness parking lot (May 2024).

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